
Is it good to leave un-said words in a letter to an ex?

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My bf and I had a very angry break up. I had to dump him, because we just weren't getting along. I left a letter in the windshield of his truck. I just wrote all my feelings to him, and I already feel better. Even if I don't hear from him after the letter, I feel better already. We're both 16. Was this good to do? It was a very heartfelt you guys think he'll call or text me? Do guys get touched by that kind of thing?




  1. no, thats just emo and weird

  2. I used to do the same thing... I would always write my "final words" in a letter and then claim to be done with them. I would always find myself just waiting to see if they would call/write/text/ ANYTHING which they never did. Finally I learned to just leave it at goodbye.  

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