
Is it good to major in buisness??

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With the economy and everything, i was just wondering whether or not is it good to major in buisness, like obtain a BBA or MBA? also is owning a couple hotels/motels, liquor stores, and convenient store having anything to do with the degree BBA or MBA??? please and thanks.




  1. If you want to own and run a business, grow it, etc, then majoring in business is a better choice than English Literature for example.  You need to actually take hard classes, though, i.e. several levels of accounting, statistics, micro- and macro-economics, finance, 2 semesters of biz calculus, introduction to business law and contracts, etc..  Whether you own hotels and liquor stores or you are selling software, you need to learn that a business is a machine, what the parts are, how they work together, how to measure  its performance, improve it, and fix the parts that are broken.  

    None of that will actually give you the innate business sense and work ethic that are required to succeed, but if you have those things then the structure of a business degree will help you immensely.

    The trap to avoid is the idea that an MBA will somehow magically help your career.  If you already have work experience and know some specific areas where you are weak and you need training, then enrolling in a program that is specific to those needs may be helpful for the career you have already established.  But there are sooooo many MBA diploma mills out there - and so many nimrods with MBAs from legitimate big-name schools - that the value of an MBA in and of itself has long ago gone by the wayside.

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