
Is it good to practice kicks with leg weights on?

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would it be good for my legs to practice kicking with leg weights on. i dont want to train and mess up my leg in the proccess.




  1. I nearly ruined my knees using ankle weights for kicking.  I did this when I was new to the martial arts. After a few weeks I noticed I was having knee problems that I'd never had before.  I was using relatively light weights. It is my opinion that any gain you might get is not worth the risk of doing serious injury.  A friend of mine, against my recommendation used ankle weights when practicing his kicks. He ended up doing permanent damage to one of his knees. He has walked with a slight limp since then and that was nearly 40 years ago.

  2. If you are going for speed it would be very easy to dislocate a joint, pull a muscle or tear a ligament or tendon.  

    All due to MOMENTUM and INERTIA (bodies in motion tend to stay in motion.)

  3. yes bt.....

    be sure to kick without them so ur body nose how too kick in a ffight also

    dont lock knee

    dont do it if u havent grown to full height because i haer it may mess up growth

    don kick over two hours at a time or ull get summin wit mucsle diffusion

  4. it is ok to do it, but you must do your kicks very slowly like in Taichi speed to strengthen your muscles.  Too fast and you are asking for joint injuries.

  5. For fat loss yes - for fight training no.  It causes you to do more work which burns more calories, but it also trains your mind and body to use your hips and midsection in a much different fashion than you would normally kick with.  If you're cardio kickboxing it might work for you, but for fight training stick with bag work, focus pads, and traditional weightlifting and plyometrics.

  6. hm i wouldnt try tht. it depends on how fast ur "kicking" ur legs. if ur slowly moving them i think it would b ok

  7. sure, I train with many weighted clothing equipments. Even a 50 pound vest. Be sure when executing your kicks to NOT lock out the knee. Unless, your doing "swing" kicks. Do NOT execute any snap kicks that lock out your knee. Take your time and build up the weight gradually. Training with weighted clothing is somethin martial artists have done for many years. Ive heard legends about this guy "Grandmaster Ie" who trained with a weight vest equal to his own body weight. be careful!!

  8. No way, not needed, these are what I like to call wild training methods.  You might be able to do it for a good while, but sooner or later there will be knee damage, training should be for a lifetime, how will you defend yourself as you get older if you have a bum knee. Good luck

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