
Is it good to take out a childs social life?

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Is it good to take out a child's social life, such as giving them the only privilege is to watch television. Say you punished them for 2 or 3 months, and only gave them that to do, what could be some negative effects of that?




  1. Some negative affects of that is when you take away their Active life they will become lazy. I suggest that you instead take away their TV and let them play. That way they are being punished but they are still staying active and fit. My mom used to do that and when i went out i would come back in and there would be nothing to do except educational things such as reading, studying  ,etc. Now I am a AB student haven't done a thing wrong in a long time and i only way 90 Lbs.

  2. Of course it's not a good idea; if a child (or anyone) does nothing but watch television for months on end, they could become lazy, gain weight, etc.  Everyone needs to exercise, play, spend time outside and with others in their peer group.  This is especially true for children, as they are still developing social, motor, and physical skills.  If the child does spend all his time watching TV, he won't want to do anything mentally or physically active.  Habits that start in childhood last a lifetime; you don't want the child to become a couch potato.

  3. i's say there wouldn't be a very big negative impact save for a little resentfulness towards the child's parents for grounding them.

    it should build character and help the child to learn the lesson the parent is attempting to teach.

  4. Thats more than most people would do. As long as there going to school dont worry that much they'll have interaction.

  5. they learn not to do the action that enlisted the punishment. as long as it is not permanent this is a classic form of operative conditioning. it is a "reward" system. you behave=you have privileges, you misbehave=loss of privileges

  6. No, because children are social creatures just like everybody else. They need friends too, also punishing children for 2 or 3 months seems a bit extreme and the negitive effects of that is they get lonely and televisions aren't good enough for being social.

  7. 2-3 months? What did they do? Rob a bank? It would have negative effects to your relationship with them. They could lose trust and respect for you to name a few. TV is never a good alliterative for anything. Give them some books to read instead.

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