
Is it good to work my pony in the turnout, or is it to big?

by  |  earlier

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I got a new quarter paint pony, 16 yrs, 14 hands. To gain respect I have worked her in the turnout. Its a large turnout pen filled with dirt. The pony is walking, trot, and cantering but the turnout is so large she stops down at one one and I have to run down there. There is a round pen but it is covered with walls. I 'm afraid to take her in there becasue I don't know how she will behave, she still has alot of anxiety about being at the new stable. What should I do? I'm trying to get her respect before I try to ride her (she is broke a 7yr old and 10 yrs old have ridden her.). Can I get more respect from working her in the round pen? I'd love some advise...




  1. First off, I LOVE that you are trying to get her respect and get her using the thinking side of her brain BEFORE you ride her. Thats great!if you do decide to work her in a round pen keep a halter on her, so that you can control her body and keep her from turning into the fence in the beggining. Just do the same methods but use a halter and have her do small controlled circles around you in the turnout. It makes it easier for you and they listen better because if she wants to run off, you can help her through it and show her its the right choice to stay with you.

    Hope this solves your problem=)  

  2. I don't like that type of round pen and I think you'd be better off to longe her on a line in the turnout. She won't friek, which that pen could cause her to do, and the line will give you the control you need.

  3. how old is she? 16 or 7??? and it doesnt matter really just mix it up every week.  

  4. i think you should carry on riding where you are and with confidence from you, you both will ivercome the problem.

    You can try riding her in the round pen if you want to, but take her in while you are leading from the ground and even in a headcollar and let her go in there so she can become familer with it that way.

    i wouldnt go in with her the first time because if she gets scared and bucks, you could become trapped in there and get hurt, im all for calming a pony down and trying to be patient but when someone's life is  in danger, you come first.

    good luck.

  5. If you are haing to run down to the other end of a pen to get the horse to move it is way to big. You don't have any control over her.

    Take her to the round pen and let her get used to it. Don't work her in it a first. Once she is used to the pen, it will be find to work her in it.

    If you still want to work her in the turn out, do it on a lounge line.

  6. Without knowing the dimensions of the turnout or the round pen it would be hard to say if it would work.  The problem seems more that you are scared to get on her.  If a 7 year old and 10 year old were riding her and she is 16 years old, then sure should be safe.

    You gain respect by handling your horse and riding.  More then likely I would not work her in the turnout since it seems by your post that it is large but in the round pen.  That is what it is for.  Even the smallest of them, the 40'ers, are enough to be able to work your pony comfortably.  Have someone there with you who knows horses and lunge her with tack on, then ride her.  If you are concerned about riding her then get a trainer to help you.

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