
Is it green to not use a refrigerator?

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I just salt everything and put it in the cellar. I don't want to hurt the environment. I don't know if I should not worry about the smell and discoloration of my food. Besides everything froze this winter... it was cold!!!




  1. IDK. I didn't use a refrigerator for some food and it turned quite green, so I guess you are right.

    That said, making use of root cellars, spring houses, and the like can cut down on the size of the refrigerator you need and consequently the amount of electricity used. If I ever find the right place to move to, I intend to create at least a root cellar but I'm still going to have a refrigerator in the house. You can't preserve milk by salting it.

  2. That is going ridiculously overboard.  Buy an Energystar qualified refrigerator. Get some solar panels to power it.  Then you can love the earth and still keep you food cold.

  3. Depends on how you do it.  If you preserve localy grow food well so it does not go to waste then it is green.  If you do a crummy job of preserving food from all corners of the Earth and have it spoil so you need to buy more it is not green.

    Too much salt is bad for you.  But on the plus side the best thing a person can do for the planet is die.

  4. Better yet just live in a cave.

  5. It's not going to make a significant difference if you (one person) takes 'green' precautions or not.

    When it comes to food, I would take every precaution to ensure I'm eating good, unspoiled food.

    If you'd like to make a real difference, become a lobbyist or run for office.

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