
Is it gross for girls to dip?

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I dip once and a while ( Grizzly Wintergreen), I am a girl and just wanted to know what people thought of it because I know not too many girls do it.




  1. My grandfather dipped but he was a serious farmer and was born a very long time ago'

    In this day and age dipping is some serious redneck land. That is all fine and well.... you do what you know and like. But even guys who do a bit of chaw look at a women who does so as low rent.

  2. I didn't know what the h**l you were talking about for a minute and had to google it (must be that language barrier known as the Atlantic Ocean lol).

    Personally I wouldn't do it, I think it's a bit gross but it's down to you in the end - at least you're not polluting anyone else's body like someone who smokes cigarettes would be.

  3. Yeah it's gross... i used to dip and eventualy my friends wouldnt want to be around me when i did so i quit...

  4. Dip is chewing tobaco, Yes it is gross for anyone to do it! It can give you mouth cancer. Stop doing it. Very bad thing to do.

  5. Whats dip?

  6. I have no idea what dip is.

    Do you mean chewing tobacco!?

      Personally, I think that any form of tobacco is nasty, particularly in the younger generation. I've grown up knowing that tobacco causes cancer among other nasties, and I can't imagine why anyone would indulge knowing that-they've basically got a deathwish.

       Chewing tobacco, however, is by far the NASTIEST variety of tobacco available. I would never date a man who chewed tobacco, and a woman who did would be so disgusting to me that I probably couldn't even be in the same room as her. I can't imagine a dirtier habit. I'd rather date a heroin addict than a tobacco chewer.

  7. It's gross for anybody......yeeachhh.

  8. Yuck...why would you want to do that?  Must be you want to have disgusting teeth, foul breath, stained lips and gums, have to spit in public, and a diseased mouth with festering wounds and black skin tissue when you get old.

  9. It's gross for anyone to dip, but yes it's even more disgusting for a girl to dip.  Just smoke... it will make you a lot cooler.

  10. Are you from WV?  Yes, it is gross.

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