
Is it haram to be obese?

by Guest60816  |  earlier

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if you do not have a serious disease that makes you that way??

Would it show that you are eating more than needed to maintain a healthy body weight and putting your body at much higher risk for developing illnesses?

Thanks and masalams!




  1. I think the sin lies in eating over-excessively... But some people can be overweight/obese from not eating too much, but from an illness...

  2. Being obese in itself is not haram and if it is caused through reasons beyond your control e.g. illness or hereditary.

    What is haram though is over eating too much and making oneself ill and also because there are people in the world who cannot afford to eat and are dying because of it and you are dying because you are over eating and swallowing diet pills.  

  3. No its not.

    These people think that being obese is bad but they think that smoking shisha and whatnot is fine.



  4. Well, Islam says it is important to take care of the body and protect it from harm.  Eating too much food and bad foods is harmful to oneself so it is not really an acceptable thing for a practicing Muslim to do, in my opinion.  Someone more knowledgeable can maybe give you some more detailed information and quotes.

  5. Being obese isnt a good thing, your doing harm to your body by not living healty and excercising.

    Also, you shouldn't eat beyond your limits. Eat untill you are satisfied, not untill you are so full you can't walk.

    In a sense, haram would be to much of a harsh word for it. But being obese is definitly not a good thing, and should be avoided.

  6. i don't think it can be doubted as 'haram', 'cause a sickness might result that.

    However it should be avoided by doing sports if it's possible.

  7. Well, according to Sahih Hadiths, w should fill 1/3 of our stomach with air, 1/3 with water and 1/3 with food.

    So, eat 1/3 of the food you feel like eating.

  8. I wouldn't say it is harram, the Quran has to say that it is explicitly harram. For example alcohol is explicitly harram. For other things they are usually makroor unless the scholars have agreed that it is harram.

    In the end, we are taught from Nabi Muhammed [scw] to eat in moderation and stuff. Only Allah knows best.

  9. Hahaha nooopee it isnt haram at alll :D

  10. More specifically, it is wrong to eat excessively.

    To be obese may not be related to excessive eating.

    7:31 O Children of Adam! wear your beautiful apparel at every time and place of prayer: eat and drink: But waste not by excess, for Allah loveth not the wasters.

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