
Is it haram to dislike a family member? ?

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A very close family member of mine does things which do not make Allah pleased and only bring the others around hardship and tension. I still respect them for the sake of Allah only, as it is my duty - but I cannot love or feel any warmth towards them. Is this wrong?




  1. Eliminate every bad deed by a very good deed.

    -Prophet Muhammed (SWS)

  2. no you just have to always respect them. but it is haram to break up kin ship, thats why you just show respect and be nice and allah will reward you greatly inshallah

  3. i dont think sooo. because Allah will give the reward and disrewards to that person himself.

    just b goood  

  4. i don't want to spread hatred, but if he's causing hardship to his surrounding, then it is not Haram to abhor him only for the sake Allah, advocating the good and forbidding the evil,,

  5. Peace

    It is not haram to dislike someone, however, the grudge shouldnt be held on them. The warmth you dont feel is natural, and every1 has an individual like that in the family, so what you should do is pray FOR them so they become better and good muslims.

    It is said in hadith muslim, that if a muslim holds a grudge against someone allah will not accept them into paradise, after the love of allah, prophet, ur mother and father comes ur relatives.

    Pray for them inshallah all goes well..


  6. It is of course best for us not to dislike any one. However many saints and scriptures teach that the next best thing is to avoid that person and not keep  thinking of them as that too pollutes u.

    Unless of course things get so bad that u find u have to take sides for the sake of what is just as a very last resort.

  7. yes.

  8. I know *exactly* how you feel

  9. To be honest sometimes I dislike a family member to because of the things she says and it offends me and she's just so rude but I'm always nice to her because if I'm not then me and her can start a huge fight or argument but I'm always nice to her bacuse if I'm not then that would be disrespectful and that would be a sin even though she does it to me I think that if I'm nicer around her then maybe she'll start acting like me and not bad. So to answer your question I don't think it's haram to dislike a family member as long as you don't show it because people are mean to you it's just that you have to handle it in a good and nice way.

  10. No it is not coz ur intention is 2 respect them only 4 the cause of allah & if they r truble makers then one should avoid them long as u don't cut off ur connections with them.

  11. Well I hate, oops I meant "dislike" my dad's side of the family.

  12. we are only human and subject to our emotions.. We cannot help that we might not be compatable with certain peoples personalities or habits or ways of life.. hate is something we just cant stop.. but yes, you can respect the person you dislike and try to act civil around them...  

  13. You asked this question so beautifully. I mean I thought you were going to be blunt and say that you hated someone but I love it you asked respectfully. And I don't think that it is wrong because Allah created angels but some of turned out to be evil, that doesn't mean we should bow down to them .So just be respectful and avoid the person only if possible.  

  14. You should say you hate what this person does not the person. I don't think it is haram in this situation.

    Try to convince this individual to do the right thing.

  15. well no

    i really hate my entire family (they just suck) i don't think Allah said it was haram. just answer to their question when they ask one and just smile at them when they look at u

    u don't have to respect them from ur heart and just don't show u hate them that is it  

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