
Is it haram to listen to music in ramadan?

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So is it haram to listen to DESI music in ramadan. Music that doesnt have cuss words or like a bad meaning. Im not talkin bout western music. But is it bad to listen to clean music? and i dont want a reply from some extremist who thinks Music is haraam all the time. Thanks




  1. Listening to music is haraam, Ramadaan or at other times, but it is more forbidden in Ramadaan, and is a greater sin, because fasting does not only mean refraining from eating and drinking, rather it means attaining piety or fear of Allaah, and it means that all the physical faculties should refrain from disobeying Allah.

    Ive proof and the proof is here

    [al-Baqarah 2:183]

    And the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Fasting does not just mean (abstaining) from eating and drinking, rather fasting means (abstaining) from idle and obscene talk…”  

    Narrated by al-Haakim who said: This hadeeth is saheeh according to the conditions of Muslim.

    ramadaan is just 30days. 30days without music you can live with it.

  2. I listen to desi music too but I stop during Ramadan.

    I personally believe clean music isn't haram but I feel better if in Ramadan I stop. I don't know if it is haram to listen to it though.

    I'm starting Ramadan tomorrow so today I'm trying to squeeze in as many songs as I can. xD -is listening to Zara Sa from Jannat-

  3. no. but listen to appropriate song like islamic song

  4. I listen to music alll the time (western music, too) but during the month of Ramadhan I try not to listen to ANY music just so that I can kinda cleanse my mind of and streaming music and so I can feel more peaceful.

    But to answer your question, I really don't think it's haraam to listen to clean music during this month but don't over do it and make sure you balance it with doing as much good stuff as you can.

  5. no its not haram. but try to keep yourself away from some dirty western music because it might cause smthing to ur mind

    but besides listening to music, its better off to read al-quran and do sme other good things. i dont say music is nt good, music are good when u have nothing to do

  6. its haram to liste to music whether its ramadan or not...

    so on this blessed month it MUST be IS haram!

    unless its songs that get you closer to God. these songs i personally believe its fine.

  7. not really but c'mon u got the whole year for that. Spend this month in worship for the sake of Allah. It will only benefit you.

    You can listen to some really nice quran tajweed from sheikh mishary. He's the best.


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