
Is it hard being a Muslim or Not?

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Many people have different views of it its hard to be a muslim or not. Personally, I am a new Muslim and the hardest thing is dealing with the fact that my Mom that I love so much doesn't ACCEPT me and TREATS me as if I am Shaytan!!




  1. Aww that is so sad. My mother could not have been happier for me and any decision my daughter makes in life i could never let her feel like she was less in any way.

    Give her time, talk to her, ask her, her fears for you, try to see it from her point of view.

    I don't find being a muslim hard at all, i love it. And Insha Allah you will feel that way soon sister and your mothers heart opens to your choices.

    Peace to you...

  2. If your "god" tells you to strap bombs to yourself and blow up yourself and buildings then yes i would say its very difficult.

  3. Right now, its a little hard for me.

  4. no, it isn't really hard. u just have to remember to pray 5 times everyday and just respect Allah.

    i think that the hardest thing for u would be just adjusting to everything and dealing with some people that don't like ur decision, such as ur mom. i mean it's good that she cares about u, but since u are your own person, u can make all of ur own choices in life.

    oh, and congrats! i am very happy for u. i know that Allah will reward u in Heaven, and u are taking the right path. believe me, u are taking the right path. i wish u the best. =]

  5. It is not hard but there may be a few obstacles you may encounter, Islam is SOOOO simple, but the people make it harder,  but that does not mean go give up and get bogged down by it, Indeed Allah (swt) tests those who He loves more, so stand up for what you believe and ignore and brush these comments away!

  6. It's easy!  Any idiot can do it!

    You just have to suspend belief and accept the rantings of an illiterate cult leader.  You have to also divorce yourself from common sense and accept the tortuous rationalizations of the other apologists who try to obscure the obvious.

    I have to question your reasoning for voluntarily accepting a belief system which literally millions of people paid the price if death rather than accept.  Methinks you did not explore this as effectively as you could have before making this decision.  You may pay for this mistake with your life if you ever change your mind.

    "Follow me, all you who are weary, and I will give you rest.  For my yoke is easy, my burden is light" - Jesus Christ

  7. Not hard at all. you can be whatever you choose. Some people believe in the vegan way of life, that is great. Some people keep Saturday as the Sabbath according to the 4th commandment. That is great too. Do what your heart tells you....

  8. That is why the Bible says to listen to parents in order for you to stay on the right path.

  9. No, not at all!! I love it because all muslims are like family. Like if i see a muslim lady at the mall i just say salam and its like we're best friends! haha thats what i love most about it!! My mom converted but doesnt practice and her family is kind of against the whole hijab-wearing and everything so i know how you feel! I kind of just ignore their harsh comments but I understand that with a mother its different! You should just talk to her nicely and tell her that this makes you happy and maybe you guys should stay off the religion subject and talk about ongoing events and whatnot! good luck! i know what you're going through!  

  10. Its not hard. Just don't be a radical, and respect all other beliefs.

  11. Well thats because you are Shaitan if your a convert.

  12. I wouldn't really care about how hard it is. I'm just happy that I know the truth, and am worshipping the true god.

    I seriously hope muslims don't give me thumbs down. I am a muslim myself!

  13. It will take you a while to get used to things but soon you will realize that it is not hard. Your mom will also have to understand sooner or later.  

  14. its not really that hard

  15. Much easier(and nicer) not to be a Muslim.

  16. Life can be difficult and easy. But remember why we are on this earth for. It is for Allah. The Quran says we must obey parents UNTIL they go against what Allah wants for you. Your situation will be resolved soon inshallah.

    you should make dua that allah gudes your mom to the straight path.

    Be nice to her, dont argue back, silence is the best answer to someone being aggresive.

    Heres a story of the prophet

    When the prophet pbuh use to go to the kabah to pray, everytime on his way a woman use to throw garbage on him, what he did is smile and kept on walking to his destination, he did this for months. He prayed everyday that she comes to Islam.1 day the woman didnt come out to throw the garbage, the prophet thought "she hasnt come out to throw garbage on me" so he went to her, he visited her in the house and she was so shocked to see him there, because she use to throw rubbish on him, and spit on him etc. The prophet helped her alot at that time and she was so happy that he helped and surprised that she accepted Islam in her Bed. So keep praying.

  17. Congratulations !

    First of all, i understand what you are going through right now. But let me first tell you one most important thing,,even though your parents are non-muslims... please do not give them harsh answers or treat them badly but give them more and more love then even before...  do you not want Jannah (Paradise) for your mother or parents? So why not try to explain to them what confuses them in a really friendly way... and May be one day they are too Muslims :)

    Secondly, Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) ordered that the parents MUST be treated nicely since they have given borth to us. And especially ones mother who bear the pain giving you birth and bringing you to this world.

    However, if they become too much abusive about Islam, you can stay away from them and pray to Allah to show them the right path! Because in the end everyone will be answerable to its own deeds...

    Being a Muslim revert is the most toughest thing you will go through..and many people run away especially from this very phase because wen you revert back to Islam, Satan will do all to distract you and take you away from Islam.. So please be very carefull at this time..and if you pass this phase...everything will be easy peasy for you:)

    Just realize that Allah (God) is there to help answer your prayers... you have direct connection with God when you pray Salah...ask him all good for you and blessings :) and protection from Satan, who is our worst enemy !

    May Allah give you peace and blessings...and protect you from evil :)

    MashAllah! :)

  18. of course it is. but its worth it.

    being on the straight path require effort, begin loose doesn't.

    the right thing to do and the hard thing to do are usually the same.

  19. It's hard if you make it hard; it's easy if you follow Islam the way you should.

    May Allah help us all to practice Islam as He wants us to.

    But, it's often hard to be a new Muslim because of pressure and persecution from family, like you're facing with your mom. Realize that it's not your fault for being a Muslim, but it's her fault for not recognizing you for who you are, and letting your belief get in the way of her love. She's not tolerant of Islam, but that doesn't mean it's hard being a Muslim.

  20. Its hard for some people, and easy for some people.

    If you realize this life is temporary and your real life will start after you die, u will find it easy.

    if you are attached to the worldly life too much, u will find it hard.

  21. It is not hard, but it may seem that way since your mom doesnt accept you. You need to understand that if your mom does not appreciate you for who you are, you have to let her go and go your own way

  22. its hard.

    your mom prolly have all her info about Islam from the tv.

    i would treat my own child as the devil if all i know about Islam is from the tv.

    Islam speaks greatly of parents.

    ask your mom if its ok to judge all African americans by what one did? by what ten did? by what millions of them did?

    her answer will prolly be no.

    then tell her how come its ok to jugde Muslims by what 20  of them did?

    tell her that there are extremist in every religion, and they don't represent the real religion.

    be nice with her. in Islam you should reply to mistreatment by good treatment.

    shes your mom after all.

    ask her to sit with you and talk to you, then show her all the reasons you're a Muslims, and no matter what she does, show her that Islam turned you into a better person, keep in touch with her, care about her, love her more, visit her, and always smile.

    Islam is hard, by you have to learn to be a strong helpful person.

  23. it is easy for strong Muslims and hard for weak one!!

  24. if you do understand what being muslimis all about it is like goin with the flow it isnt hard respecting god !as a muslim i tell yo congratz and no it isnt hard being one but dont think about it alot live it yourself and lol that is all i got to say bout your mom tell her it is my body and since i controll it i do what i do!

  25. No it is so easy. Once you start practicing you will not be able to live without your rituals and the spiritual fulfillment.

    My mom was wierd at first, too.  But I am an adult and do not live at home so I do what I  want.

    She'll get used to it.  She won't have a choice.  Just act normal and don't talk about religion.  Act like the same as before.

  26. All organized religion are difficult to be a part of because it is faith that make you a part of the religion. It is not like Mohammed, Moses, Jesus, Budda or Joseph Smith are on earth guiding you. You have a prophet (priest, religious leader) teaching you.

    Your did not say the religion you denounce, but at some point in your mother life she promise to raise you in her religion. She may feel she has broken her promise, but that is not your burden it is hers.

    You need to feel comfortable in your believe or it will feel like you are wearing a bad pair of shoes.

    Shalom - In the name of god....

  27. your mom inshallah will com e around.  parents are usually upset anytime their children choose a different path.  i am sure you have heard the gold old "I didn't raise you that way".  My mom told me that too.  It was unbearable for a while, but alhamdullilah she has come around quite a bit.  it's still new for your mom, so cut her some slack.  

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