I've been with my boyfriend for about 6 months now and i've seen or talked to him everyday for the last year. We are very much in love and we are starting to look towards the future. My boyfriend use to be a marine and then was discharged about 2 years ago, since then he has been in construction and he's starting to hate it...As a result he wants to go back to the military (marine's). I'm scared as h**l because he's going to be away and i'm not use to that, also it worries me that he will probably be sent overseas to war. I dont want to talk him out of it, even though i have been doing that, because later on in life he might hate me if he realizes it was a mistake not to go...i need help to understand his decision and it would help if i knew what to expect...i love him so much and i dont want him to go but he loved it when he was in. I don't know what to do, i'm confused and hurt at the same time because he's going to leave me and war is scary just to think about...will it get any easier? someone help me please