
Is it hard for you to enjoy watching de tour da France nowing half of them are on steroids or what not?

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The only person that probably isant on drugs is Cadel Evans




  1. More like 99%, but you can't prove it. It is too easy to pass a test nowadays. You really need to s***w up if you fail the test.

    Steroids and other enhancers made sports what they are today. Steroids have been in sports since the 70's, nothing has changed over the years. The media only brings it to your attention now. But the usage was allready there.

  2. No bacause it is a lot cleaner than it use to be and if half of them were doping at least it is a fair playing field

  3. like baseball

  4. Troll much?

    A random assertion that "half of them are on steroids"  but then, of course, your favorite rider isn't is, well, asinine.

    Given the amount of testing that goes on I don't think many of them are doping anymore-- sure, someone will always try to cheat (that's life), but strong anti-doping controls, along with busting the people that get caught will weed most of the problem out.

    Oh, and I'm LOVING the tour, especially the interviews with CVV-- he's so upbeat and looks like he's thrilled to be there.  I can't wait to see him in the Alps and the final time trial.

  5. on the contrary iit is so easy to enjoy the tour. you have the best riders in the world in the best race of the tour. half of them are not on drugs. period. they found how many? one person? dont let your imagination run wild man. last year they found less than 7 in the whole tour but an entire team paid for it.

    even so if all of them were on drugs, a race is a race. still as exciting as ever.

  6. Half of them???

    One out of 189 is half????  

    I did very poor in math, but I think I could have gotten that one right.

    Speaking of Cadel, and don't get me wrong I actually like him and I think he will win the Tour.  


  7. Naw. I just tell myself that if I took performance enhancing drugs that I'd be as good as they are. Bwaa ha ha ha!

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