
Is it hard?

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im going to be doing physics in 3rd year in high school this year

i just wanted to know is it as hard as people bring out to be.





  1. yes & yes

  2. Well tweetypie - this is impossible to answer as we don't know how clever you are .

    One person's meat is another's poison as they say.

    But given that you probably are fairly bright - or you wouldn't be asking the question and you are fairly conscientious for the same reason and your maths ability is Ok - and the group you are placed in to do physics is a good one with well behaved attentive kids - etc etc.

    But all in all - 3rd year high school physics is not that hard - but I used to teach it so I would say that wouldn't I!! Good luck with your decision.

  3. it depends on what your strong points are. physics has a lot of formulas to memorize, but if you are good at that thenitshoulld be relativly easy. if you pay attention in class (much easiere said then done though) then it should become a wholeeeeeee lot easier.

  4. actually i don't think its that hard. i've only been doing it for a year now and i got a 90% average when it cam to our exam. maybe thats just me, but i've never been good at math, its just the physics part that im good at.

  5. ummm, well i'm taking physics in 3rd year and from what we've done so far i'd say it is hard.

    (bearing in mind we have a terrible teacher!)
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