
Is it hard to be trained a starbucks?

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to learn all the drinks, work the cash register, etc... is it really difficult?




  1. i have a couple of friends that work there and that have worked*** there. two of my friends work there and have moved up quickly i heard that its got it all. you get a discount at t mobile and i think you get health care and much more! however, my friend which is a girl she was training for the job while also working there and she just stopped showing up to work because she said it was so complicated. i know they give you a handbook that shows how to make the drinks and much more.

  2. only if you don't pay attention

  3. ive been with the company for two years, it is a little difficult and overwhelming to begin with. The register is the simplest but it takes a day or so to get used to where everything is. With the pastry case, you need to know the name of everything because there aren't signs on the back to tell you what it is. The drinks are the most complicated because the recipes and the amount of syrups generally stay the same but their are many exceptions. It does get easier though and becomes second nature after a while.

  4. There isnt much to memorize. My dad sells them cash registers, their as easy as pie. Also the drinks, if ur a starbucks, or any coffee buyer it will be e-z. You dont need to know your coffee by the first day. But if i were you i would study. It would give you the upper Hand. Good Luck!!

  5. It's fun!! The drinks are easy to make, i thought i'd be spending my first day memorizing stuffs but i already made my first drink, for a real customer! Of course there'll be things to memorize but it isn't that much, and you won't be expected to know everything right away, the partners will always be there to coach you. As for the register, as long as you can count and take orders and repeat them you'll do just fine. However, you gotta be prepared with other things like working long hours standing up, shifting schedules, cleaning a lot, those parts i found difficult to adjust to, but mostly, the training period is a blast! it's fun learning the drinks, you sample everything, there's a time when you'll be with other trainees so it's really fun, i'm not sure if training is the same in all countries but mostly this is what happens.

  6. I don't work for starbucks, but I do work for an independent coffee shop, and am the training manager. I work it so that people can learn, and not get inundated with so much information that they don't retain anything.

    There is a lot to memorize, but it's not hard. Basically, all drinks are variations of a latte. Mocha is a chocolate latte, cappuccino is a latte with lots of foam, americano is latte made with water instead of milk.....if you can categorize things in your mind, it's all easy to learn.

    As far as the registers, I don't know how they are set up at starbucks, so I can't help you there. But on our register, it's just sm mocha, med mocha, lg mocha there's not much to learn.


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