
Is it hard to drive in paris if ive never drove abroad before?

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im thinking of hiring a car in paris next month as it is less than half the price of getting the taxi transfer from the airport, i wont be driving in central paris because im not that brave, i have had my uk licence for over 10 years and im a safe confident driver on the roads, i will also be hiring a sat nav with the car but i still feel nervous, any advice or tips please x




  1. Just get a taxi. Its Less hassle

  2. Sue G and GuillemT are spot on. Apart from Vatican City, Paris is the most manic place i have ever driven and i have been driving for nearly40 years,and trying to navigate whilst trying to avoid being hit is not going to be easy. The French did try to bring their roundabout procedure in to line with the rest of Europe but i think all it did was to either confuse the French driver further or elicit a Gallic shrug. I have never seen so many damaged cars on the road as i have in Paris. I would never normally advocate aggressive driving but in Paris you have little choice. I would take the taxi.

  3. Just remember to KEEP RIGHT and you should be ok. I found it fine after just a few minutes. On quiet narrow roads remember to keep right of oncoming vehicles. This is where most UK drivers forget.

  4. It is the same as any other country,if you make a mistake,you pay for it,stay alert,watch your mirrors,never think you have right of way regardless of conditions,you can be right and dead.Sat nav is no use in the city except to show a location,an up to date street map is much better.Just stay aware that everything is the other way round and do not react automatically as you do in the uk.Good luck and enjoy.

  5. Listen, driving in Paris is a nightmare. Get the fricking train! Much easier! And when you're in Paris, do what the locals do and use the metro! Between paying for parking and petrol, both of which are extortionate, you'll be wishing you had gone the taxi option!

  6. The first time I drove to Germany many years ago I felt the same as you, but by the time I got there from Dover, I had got quite used to driving on the right, you'd be surprised how easy it is when everyone coming towards you is on what used to be 'your' side of the road.

    All road signs are now of European standard so you will have no problem there.

    I know you have sat nav, but getting some good maps will also give you the confidence of having a good idea of where you are going.

    Driving in Paris is just as hectic as London or any other major capital, but the more information you gather before you go, the more confidence you will have.

    EDIT: Of course it's not easy, but what a lot of negativity!

  7. Forget it!  Unless you have experience driving in France before, if not then if your religious at all  then you'd better say your prayers. Remember  a Frenchman's attitude is that he has a little voice in his head telling him that he is always right !  traffic lights are to be treated as "How dare this coloured light bulb tell me i cannot pass?" In short be very very careful  Never take things for granted as another person said make a mistake like that when your driving in a place like Paris and your dead.

  8. they are absolutely mad in paris, they drive like idiots, at roundabouts you dont give way to enter, just go straight on, its the cars that are already on the roundabout that give way, when they park, they dont put their hand brakes on, because if someone parks in front or behind then they are able to bump their way in, like move your car forward or back a touch, thats where a bumper earns its name, lol, mind if you are not going right in the centre then they might drive a bit more careful maybe, good luck

  9. you're probably better paying the taxi transfers, as a few years ago my Friend and myself went on a walkabout round western europe,(in the car that is) and we didn't see a car older than 6 months without a dint in it

  10. it takes a little getting used to but if you've been driving for 10 years then you'll probably be fine. only the very centre is difficult, the rest just requires a little concentration. especially at junctions and roundabouts. Bonne chance.

  11. The hardest place is La Place des Etoils and Les Champs Elyssée.

    Heaven forbid!

  12. DON'T DO IT!!!  It is bad enough trying to get to know a city in your own country, with familiar signage, etc., but to rent a car in Europe!?  Don't do it!  That savings will get totally sucked up by the traffic ticket!  Not to mention the amount of time and petrol wasted driving around in circles because you can't actually find the parking for the place you are staying at!  Even if you MUST rent a car (to drive around in the outer areas, which is easier), you don't want to drive into the city after an overnight or otherwise long flight, and then try to find your hotel in an unfamiliar city where I doubt you TRULY speak the language, and THEN you have to pay for parking ($$$$$), and THEN you have to find your way back out of the city?

    I promise, especially because you are already feeling nervous, that it is WORTH the money to pay for a cab.  They will know exactly how to get to your hotel (assuming you have the address correct), and you will get right there, and then get going.  

    I repeat DO NOT RENT A CAR IN A MAJOR EUROPEAN CITY unless you REALLY know how to drive in that city already.

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