
Is it hard to drive?

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Is it hard to drive?




  1. no i just took drivers training and it was easy as pie ( i never drove prior to that)

  2. the actual driving of the car is easy.

    it's maintaining your lane and paying attention to other drivers and yourself that gets tough.

  3. I think it is!!!

  4. no. as my father said when I was 16, it's just driving. it takes practice and can be nerve racking, but it is in no way hard.

  5. not really you just have to relax and under stand your driving a potential death trap.(lol)its not hard at all. just be aware of your surroundings and like i said relax..... breath dont freak out and ram anybody who cuts you off. just kidding and its not hard if you dont have drivers license just to let you know i could pass the d**n test right now if i had a ride there its just a lo of common sense

  6. if you wanna pass your test wear something short  then it wont matter how you drive

  7. no as long as u dont let other drivers distract u and wear a seatbelt

  8. idk, hope not lol

  9. I think its hard to drive if you don;t have a licence

  10. No, it is not. Provided you get trained for atleast some time by an experienced driver, and as long as you follow the rules. Also, being courteous to the other drivers on the road pays off. Always remember that you are not racing someone on the road, so if they want to go ahead of you, let them do so. Relax, breathe well, and keep looking at the mirrors every once in a while to get a good picture of your surroundings, and you should be ok.

    Good luck !

  11. no its not hard to drive, just lots of crazy drivers out there.

  12. no anyone can do it.

  13. Driving is easy.  Paying for Gas is hard!!

  14. No just Take it easy. Slow down, put on some relaxing music and just cruise.

    You may be surprised how much less stress is involved in driving if you eliminate the need to hurry. Give yourself extra time and learn to enjoy driving.

    Wear your seat belt: your face will thank you later.

    Practice makes perfect.

  15. It is very easy.  As long as you are observant of the lane that you need to stay in & be observant of the traffic around you.

    If a trucker is making a right hand turn, you never want to get between them & the curb, as they sometimes take 1-2 lanes to make a turn.

    When you are passing a trucker, you never want to cut his space short, for he can't stop on a dime like 4 wheelers can.

    Be observant of Motorcycles, for they are small & hard to see, not like a car.

    There are some people who do not pay attention to the above things & get themselves in trouble.  You know how you drive, but you do not know about others.  You have to be careful of the other person.

    & of course know the rules of the road & UR good to go.  Remember, it really isn't hard: if you keep the above things in mind.

  16. No!



  18. No, but apparently a lot of people still can't wrap their minds around it.

  19. Not at all. I've been driving for 32 years.
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