
Is it hard to find a mechanical engineering internship in dubai...i live in canada....?

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is where can i get started????




  1. I don't think it would be. A bunch of US universities have campuses there and in Abu Dhabi. These schools also have summer internship programs. Boston University is a great example. They have a campus in Dubai and a very extensive summer-internship progra. I know this because I've seen the prospectus for this program. So I would start by checking those opportunities out. Basically with these things if you're willing to pay the tuition they'll take you in and find you an internship.

    Also find out which Canadian companies have outlets in Dubai and approach them. A lot of times the internship doesn't exist but can be created with a little initiative. And don't underestimate your university's career center. They can save you hours of research and maybe put you in touch with alums in Dubai.

  2. There is an american university in Dubai called American University Dubai which is really American Intercontinental University.  However they have some great engineering internships that you can utilize fairly easy.  I took a MBA statistics course with their online program.  I have listed links below that should aid you.  Remember you can not obtain citizenship in this country unless you are born there to include some other strict restrictions.  Well enjoy your time in Dubai after looking at my links.

  3. i'm from the U.S but i'm living in dubai i know a lot of places here's a sight where u can get information,

    here's a page full, tell me if ya need any more help just go to profile and leave me a message!

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