
Is it hard to find adoptive parents for a Down Syndrome baby?

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Is it hard to find adoptive parents for a Down Syndrome baby?




  1. The person above (1st answerer) is very rude.  and i would imagine that it would be very difficult to find adoptive parents for a baby that has Down Syndrome.

  2. Honey, the only reason I went into adoption was to get a Down Syndrome child!  There is a waiting list a mile long!  We ended up being foster parents and requesting kids with disabilities and took in a large sibling group.  They have a few disabilities, but no Down Syndrome.  Look for a Down Syndrome Guild in your area.  They will help you.

  3. It's probably a little harder, but I really hope you aren't planning on giving up your child because he/she has down syndrome.....The baby needs his/her mother regardless of whether they have a serious illness,  and that would be HORRIBLE of you to do something like that and to actually live with yourself,  I don't know how you could..... I am sorry if this sounds rude, but you have to know what you are doing (or what it seems like you are doing by the way you asked your question) is incredibly selfish right??

  4. My (adopted) cousin Dottie has down syndrome and she is absolutely wonderful. As times have changed, so has the opinion of many people towards different conditions. With Dottie, she can not talk, but hears wonderfully and besides signing, she writes. She thinks it is funny that she and I can sign across the table from one another while the family is talking all the way around us. Dottie and I are both 41.

    If the opportunity ever came up, I would gladly accept a baby with DS.

    The opportunities are very open for your child.

    Best of luck to you both.  

  5. Maybe, but if the people adopting the child really wants the baby they would see right threw that. I know I would. Some couples just want a child to love no matter what.  

  6. No. Absolutely not. There are a lot of special parents out there who embrace children who are a little different.

  7. Most people who adopt want healthy baby's ,they want the perfect child ...They say they adopt to help the child but that is not the whole truth ...I think it would be very hard ,I think the baby could end up in a institution.If you are really wanting to give up your baby ,make sure the child is actully placed and not just forgotten..

  8. Well the adoption agency I worked with actually have parnets that will take kids with special needs such as Down Syndrome as they never know when they will get the call or the child who thought was average turns out to have special needs. You would be surprise I think

  9. No, you may be suprised, but there are MANY families who would like to adopt a child with DS. There are actually waiting lists for adoptive familes wanting to adopt a young child with downs syndrome, many of whom have a family member of friend of the family born with DS.

    Here are a few good articles on the matter


  10. I would say yes, even though they are very affectionate and everything, they do need more care than other children, and some people might not be prepared to care for a Down Syndrome child, or they might not be able to afford the extra costs, if there are any.

  11. If they are concerned about how hard it's going to be to care for a human being who isn't quite up to their standards, you don't want them caring for your child anyway.

    There are programs and services in every state that help parents with disabled children.  A child with a disability is absolutely more difficult to deal with than a child without a disability - but it is doable.  I have a friend who is single after leaving an abusive husband.  She has three children - one with autism - and she has gotten three degrees and works full time.  And, she's a great mom.  She is very careful to take time to take care of herself, which is essential whether your children have a disability or not, but even more important whenever there are extra stressors on a family.  It is difficult...but well worth it, and it is POSSIBLE.

  12. No! there are so many families out there that would love to adopt a child with down fact there is a waiting list in some areas.  check out

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