
Is it hard to get into professional acting?

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I'm 16 and want to get into professional acting. I live in Las Vegas, Nevada. I have no idea where to start, and i've already been approached a few times in local malls by recruits for modeling. I figured, i could start modeling now, then move into acting. But my mom thinks that agents require a fee, and are just scams...

I tried telling her they get paid off of you once you get paid; but she won't listen....


what are some steps to get into professional acting? Like Disney type stuff, and then from there i'd like to become movie-star type acting... Yet i have no idea where to start. help?




  1. First of all, no one who approaches you in a mall is legit. Period.  All they are looking for is their next mark and if you bite and show up at their 'screen test' then they get paid.  

    Your mom does not know how the business works.  Legit agents do not require any up front fees, they only get paid when you do HOWEVER you do need photos etc. and that comes out of your pocket.  Your training also comes out of your pocket so you need to look into professional training and building your resume.  You need experience so look up your local theatres and see what they have going on.  Classes, workshops, auditions, etc.  Auditions are ALWAYS free.  Classes will always cost.  You should always ask about the class, the instructors, etc.  Make sure you know what you're getting and you're happy about that before signing up.  

    Also, Disney is not a starting point.  Most people start with commercials, student and indie films, under 5's (bit parts) and it does not matter what network or studio they're for.  It's experience that goes on your resume.  Get on and  Neither are totally free but this is where you begin.  They are industry standards and mom has to be supportive or this will not work.  She should be the one to help you set up accounts online because you are a minor (Yes?) and should not be putting your personal info on the web without her consent.

    good luck,


  2. Ok, first of all you have to go to Los Angeles. (A great place to start acting, if not, the easiest. WHY: Because that is where all movie producers/directors/agents/actors live. So your better to start there) Then Get into some acting classes. Then find your self a good agent, and then do your gigs that your agent finds you. GOOD LUCK!

  3. First, be VERY careful about being approached by someone who tells you about modeling.  Some of these people are creeps.  And your mom is right, some are scams.  If you're serious about modeling, get some pictures taken, start a portfolio, and go down to a modeling agency.  Look around your area for talent agencies.  And practice what you want to do.  If you want to act, get into community theater.  If you want to sing, do the same.  Don't think you're going to get famous instantly either.  That only happens in a blue moon.  Get there the hard, but sure way.  Hard work!

  4. You're going to want to see an agent first. Basically every big city has a couple good agencies. However, to be sure you're getting a good one, you should see one in the city. Don't trust the ones in malls.

    The agent will be doing pretty much everything after that like getting you auditions.

    Be prepared for a lot of rejection. They can only cast one person per role so there's a high chance it won't be you. However, there is a chance it will be you. Show people are very fickle.

    When you start, you won't be handed a lead role in a TV show or movie. You'll most likely get commercial roles. You'll build a resume and eventually make it up to bigger roles.

    Good luck

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