
Is it hard to go to Nice,French NOT knowing any French???

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i am thinking of studying french for two weeks in Nice, French. However, I am going there not knowing any of the French language. Would it be hard to live there two weeks not knowing the native language?




  1. Normaly they don't kill the no french speaking tourists the first day (joke)

    nice is with a lot of tourists anyway

    just find a french girlfriend to study quicker

  2. you'll be in France. The main thing is that people tend to think the French are rude, but they're only rude if you're rude first. The best thing I can recommend is Savoir Flair by Polly Platt to get an understanding of what you do that's rude (that's not rude in the US). Bon Jour should always be the first words out of your mouth... even before you ask Parlez-vous anglais? Do that and you'll be accepted more according to the book. I did fine with the advice from Savoir Flair and French or Foe also by Polly Platt.

    Good luck and relax, you'll be fine

  3. Two weeks : you will survive !

    Some words can be learned rapidly : bonjour, au revoir, merci...

    And Nice is in France (not in french...).

    French is the language or the people or the adjective.

  4. I think you should go for it.  You'll learn a lot in a short time.  You'll be doing total immersion.  

    The only thing bad I can think would be that if you are in a class that is meant for an advanced student.  Just be sure that you are in a class for beginners.  

    Then just be like a sponge.  Learn everything you can.  The two weeks will go by quickly and then you'll be back in your native land soon enough.  I would attempt to speak nothing but French for the entire time you are there.

    Also I would say set a realistic goal.  If you do two weeks of intensive class work you will learn a lot.  But you will not know all their is to know. Think about how many people that you know who have lived in your country for years that still have a big accent.  So you would be smart to spend a little time every week maintaining what you know by studying, watching movies in french (switch the language setting in your dvd), listening to French music and perhaps by joining a local french club like the alliance francaise.

    Good luck!

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