
Is it hard to have s*x with only one person for your entire life?

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My boyfriend (21 years old) and I (20 years old) are each other's "first" with everything. We lost our virginity together about five weeks into the relationship. We have been together now for one year and eight months. He is absolutely amazing sexually, in every way possible, and that is no exaggeration. Even having been with no other man, hearing my friends' stories about their partners makes me feel really lucky to have the partner I do. We are confident that we are going to get married once we're both done with school.

My question is, is it really difficult to never have s*x with anyone but your spouse for the rest of your life? I love my boyfriend more than anything, and he is my best friend, and like I said, he is more than I could ever expect in bed, but all the same, I wonder if I'm going to be missing out on something, or if it's detrimental to our relationship to not experience anything beyond each other.





  1. No its not hard to be committed to one person forever.  s*x is a physical act, its the emotion and feelings that go with it that make it special and worth a lifetime.

    If you and your boyfriend have a good thing and are committed, all you can really do is feel sorry that your friends haven't experienced what you and he have together.  Not the other way around.

    Your very lucky, know that.

  2. I have only been with one husband.  I sometimes wonder if I am "missing" out on something because I have never had s*x with anyone else.  Then, I think about what "having s*x" means to me and whether or not I would want to experience that with someone I did not really love.  I always come to the same conclusion... I only want to have s*x with the person I 100% love and want to spend the rest of my life with.  I think I would feel empty if I just had s*x with another guy because I just would want to find out what s*x is like with someone else.  I am comfortable with the thought that I might not ever have s*x with anyone but my husband.  I guess it just depends on what s*x means to you and what you want to experience...for me s*x is about love and spiritual connection with my partner--not just physical pleasure.

  3. If you never experience anything different, how will you know that you're missing something?

    I wouldn't worry about the what-ifs.  Tomorrow doesn't exist.  Concentrate on the now.  Enjoy what you have with your boyfriend now.  And don't worry about your friends' relationships.  They have nothing to do with your own.  Live in the moment.

  4. I married my first too. We were married for 9 years, and I also wondered if there was better out there. Well we are now seperated and I have found someone else and have recently slept with my second. (I am 31 years old). All I can say is I was TOTALLY missing out for 9 years on good s*x! OMG!

  5. I've only dated one guy in my life, so I guess I can't give a heterosexual opinion, but personally I've never lusted after another guy.  I think its completely normal to do so though, whatever your orientation, but I also think that it proves the strength of your relationship that you've not wondered from each other and gone in search of someone else.  Its natural to be curious - its the curse of being human, I think, so don't worry, it doesn't reflect on anything being wrong in your relationship, its just natural.

    Hope this helps

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