
Is it hard to learn how to play the guitar....?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike myself. i want to learn to play by myself because i think i would appreciate it more,, and plus it'll give me a challenge. what do yu think,, shuld i try it,, or shuld i get lessons?




  1. Nothing can be obtained in a day !! Keep practising .

  2. No if you take the lessons properly and practice, practice will make you perfect, to be in profession you'll need @ 2 years

  3. get lessons. even if there just from m8s who can play (please make sure they can... how can you tell? ask them to play the note b sharp lol)

  4. without the determination, it's hard. if you don't know anything about music, then take lessons. but if you know music, then it's just a matter of learning the aesthetics of the guitar.

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