
Is it hard to learn how to use a panasoic dvx100b camcorder?

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Is it hard to learn how to use a panasoic dvx100b camcorder?




  1. It depends, but in my opinion the Panasonic DVX100B has a relatively small learning curve. If you have some background in filmmaking, you should have no problem. As long as you know the basic manual controls such as manual focus, aperture, shutter speed, white balance, etc. you should be great! When I first used a prosumer camcorder, I began with the Sony VX2100, and later the DVX100, and I was virtually able to use them right out of the box. Of course, it is important to know basic things like camcorder care (lens, heads, etc) tape loading, and how to work the firewire transfer, so you don't s***w up the camcorder. However, I don't think you could have chosen a more user-friendly prosumer camcorder. The Sony VX2100 and PD170 are a bit more straight forward and simple, but the DVX will be more rewarding years from now!  

        The thing I really like about the DVX100B is that it gives pros what they need, and nothing more, unlike the Canon XL series camcorders, that have too many features, so it is easy to s***w up.

    ...good luck!

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