
Is it hard to surf at 14 years old?

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I am 14 y/o and I live in Australia. I have always wanted to surf and I might be getting a soft surfboard soon which I hear is good for learners. I had been to compulsory school lifesaving education and we were taught how to surf on the sand so I know how it is meant to be done but I've never actually gone out there. I also hear that you have to have good balance. I have pretty good balance becasue I am a gymnast but I dont think that would help very much would it? So you think it would be hard for me to learn how to surf?




  1. no, i surfed suf city usa when i was 11!!!!!

    some pros r 13

  2. yeah i think so!!!!!!

    But pratice and you will be a great champion!!!!!!!!

    Good Luck!!!!!!!!

  3. No,well,it depends,if you have been practicing in the sand a lot.I'm 13 and I started when i was 8,now i can surf 8 to 9 foot waves,it will take a while to learn the manuevers though.

  4. 14 is a great age to surf. one of my neighbors is 3 and he can surf(with the help of his dad of course). surfing is really fun and a great way to stay in shape. have fun!

  5. na its easy maybe get one lesson and make sure u get a big board if u hav good balance maybe a 7 footer or bigger depending, i went when i was 12 in yr 7 at camp veryy funn

  6. I like pizza, I don't like dogs, I like my friend Sue, i don't like connor.

    I live in australia too... qld.


  7. I'm 14 and surf all the time.  I started surfing 4 years ago and yeah at first it's hard and really frustrating.  But the feeling when your riding the totally worth all the hard work.  & if you are a gymnast you must be muscular and in shape which will help a lot. Learning on a longboard makes it easier.  Take someone who knows how to surf with you, so they can give some pointers in the water.

    Good luck!*


  8. Go for it little buddy! I know lots of youngsters who learned as pre-teens. I have grand children who I'm working with who are 6 & 7 (and the three littler ones are still working on swimming skills). I started at about thirteen, that was forty-two years ago, but I was a really experienced ocean swimmer at that age. Go surfing!!!

  9. Bethany Hamilton is a surfer.  At the age of 13, she was attacked by a shark and lost an arm.  She is now a motivational speaker, and still surfs... check out this:

    You can do ANYTHING you set your mind to!

  10. if you get the hang of it, it will be like riding a bike after a while but those foam boards are fun to start with

  11. nope there are 9 and 8 year olds who surf and others who started at an even earlier age....but u should start off small and have someone with u wen your learning

  12. as long as you keep trying and get the right board you should be fine.  the only thing that would hold you back is if your afraid of being tossed arround by the ocean.  just remember to relax even when getting pummeled (which you will, it happens to everyone) and the experience will be alot more enjoyable.

  13. It's hard. I did it when I was 12. I caught a few waves. You gotta practice.

  14. No in the show "Rocket Power" they could surf. Even the squid learned how to surf.

  15. no its actually easier because when you fall it wont hurt as much

  16. It's actually probably easier to learn at such a young age. You'll have more energy and less fear.  :-)

    The only tips I would give would be to start on a longboard, (at least 9' long), and to read this great article I always pass on to beginners called 'Learn How to Surf in One Day':

    Also, being an Aussie I'm sure you know about protecting yourself from getting sunburned since getting burned as a kid will increase your chances for developing skin cancer when you're older... so be sure to wear a rash guard, (or rashie). I get mine here:

    Good luck and have fun!  :-)

  17. well i learned when i was 4, and i surfed untill i moved away from the ocean(14), and i think anyone can do it, just avoid locals, and keep on surfing.

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