
Is it hard to talk with braces?

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lol like pronouncing words

it is harder?




  1. In the beginning it is kind of hard, but you get used to it and your speech goes back to normal.  

  2. not at all !

    you have nothing to worry about.

    however, when you get a retainer...not so easy to talk.

    but braces, do nothing but straighten your teeth. =)

  3. no not really

  4. No. You can talk fine, but it's just a bit of irritation in your mouth for a while until you get used to them. Since your tongue doesn't touch much of it, as for most teeth the metal work on glued to the front, it doesn't have any affect on speaking.

  5. just a little for me but not really

    but if you get and expander its hard to talk


  6. No, I never had a problem talking with braces. I did have a little trouble talking when I first got my retainer. Everyone told me I did not talk any different but I thought I talked funny the first week.

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