
Is it harder for a single person to adopt than a married couple?

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Single Black Female Looking To Adopt.




  1. it's not supposed to be. the only way I think it might be more difficult is if your looking to do a domestic open adoption, where a birth-mother picks out the new family, she might me more willing to give her child to a married couple rather then a single woman. good luck with your family

  2. It'll be nearly impossible. You'd be better off getting a foster child and then trying to adopt that child, should they come available. Most international places won't let single women adopt (China may have an exception, but I'm not sure if they still do--I know they did at one point). Personally, if I were giving a baby up, it wouldn't matter if they had one parent or two, so long as there was a good support system and mom was able to handle the job! However, most people don't think like that. Totally stinks...

  3. Singles can adopt from some places but yes it is a little harder.  It really depends on your income and stuff.

  4. It depends on the age of that child that you are trying to adopt.  If you are trying to adopt an infant, the expectant parents are in the "drivers seat" so to speak.  Infants, especially healthy infants, are hard to come by.  The mothers who are persuaded to give up their babies for adoption are usually convinced that a mom and dad family is the "best" for the child.  Income is also a pressure tactic used by adoption brokers.  Meaning, expectant parents who surrender are usually looking for a rich, traditional family.

    If you are willing to consider an older child, your odds of adopting are much better.  In that case, you will likely working with a public agency where the profit motive is lower (not eliminated, but lower).  In that case, you will be judged on your ability to parent and not on how much money you have in the bank.

    I wish you the best in your pursuit to provide a homeless child with a loving home.  I have many friends (bio and adoptive) who are amazing and successful single parents.

  5. I would suggest that you contact this agency to adopt. They are very good! Email:

    Mail Address: P.O. Box 6845, Brandon, FL 33508

    Telephone: (813) 425-2367

    Fax: (813) 425-4365

  6. No as long as you are stable, there are plenty of birth parents and agencies out there that will except you.

    Call around to different adoption agencies and start making your home study!! Good luck!

  7. you could maybe become a foster parent but the system they put you through is really strict and i doubt they'd take you

  8. Give up. Most people beleive in 2 parents raising a child.They think that it's best . You can't be a good parent without the other one. This is a joke but true. But don't worry it's not because you are a woman this happens to single fathers all the time.

  9. I dont see why not. There are tons of children and babies as well that live in the US who are being neglected and not taken care of properaly even orfans more than there is to have people adopt them. As long as you have money to support the child than it shouldnt matter. Adopt someone in the U.S I think we should be focusing right now more on our people her and helping them out than people in other countries.

  10. You can adopt. One mistake people often make is to marry thinking this will make it easier, however adoption takes into consideration how long a couple has been married. If it's a short time (under 2-4 years) this can hurt you instead of helping so you will be better off adoption on  your own. I say go for it. Best of luck.

  11. It all depends on the country and the agency. When I did in 1999, there was still a bit of a stigma with a few agencies, but most weren't like that. I would think in 2007 they'd be more open minded. There is a wonderful group called Single Mother's by Choice and they have some great resources. I'll get you their website and some others. There also some stats that contrary to popular belief, single moms are doing a better job. The reason is the child isn't dragged through a divorce, custody battles, etc. and more focused on. Usually these moms are a bit older and better off financially. Bless you and the best of luck to you and your (future) child.

    Sunny, as usual, your "answer" is rude and disgusting. Go vent your hatred somewhere else and please get medical help, ASAP.

  12. NO!  It's not hard.  That law changed years ago.  A single woman or a single man can adopt children now, if they qualify.  It may vary in some states.  The reason for that is, because a lot of single biological parents are raising their kid by themselves.  I know this for a fact, I raised 3 adopted children as a single parent.

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