
Is it harder for older people (38) to learn how to swim?

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Always wanted to learn how to swim but have always been a bit scared. In fact, I would have gone in the Marines rather than the Army because I have been hesitant. So, does anybody know if it harder to learn as you get older. Also, where would you go to learn??




  1. I used to work at a pool that offered adult lessons. Age should definitely not be a barrier to learning to swim. There are many classes out there - at the majority of swimming pools I would say; I worked at a small community-ran centre and they ran weekly classes there. There are generally lessons available for those who are nervous around water, complete non-swimmers, and often classes for adult swimmers who wish to improve their swimming technique.

    I'd say there are good and bad points to being an adult learner. As an adult, you are able to concentrate better on what the instructor is saying and therefore have a greater understanding of what the instructor would like you to do. Also, it is often easier for adults to express their feelings, and this enables the class to be tailored to your needs if you are finding things difficult. Very often in a swimming class for children, they do not fully listen to the teacher, or some children lag behind the others, resulting in the lesson being far less productive.

    The classes that I used to lifeguard had a range of adult learners in them, from those in their teens (who, although still technically children, would not fit in with a class of 5-year-olds) up to older people of 70 and above. A lot of the work in the beginning stages involved conquering the learners' fears of water, which is pretty common in adults who have never learned to swim whilst younger.

    As the class sizes often tend to be smaller, the lessons can be tailored to suit your needs. Most places also offer one-to-one swimming lessons, although I would advise to seek out a class initially, as I feel the support of fellow non-swimmers can be beneficial (not to mention that classes are far cheaper than individual lessons!).

    Swimming is a skill that is possible to learn at any age, with a bit of patience and effort. I wish you the best of luck learning to swim.  

  2. Until last summer, my husband was terrified beyond imagination of water and swimming.  He'd panic if water got splashed in his face.  He was 51. I enticed him by telling him about the beauty of the carribean waters.  He went to a local dive shop and asked for snorkling lessons and told them he couldn't swim and was terrified of the water.  They told him to let them give him a chance.  10 weeks later he was a PADI certified skin diver.  

    If he could do it, I am sure you can do it!  My suggestion is to find a dive shop, buy fins and a snorkle set.  The mask will keep water out of your face, and the fins help move you better.  You can also get a snorkle vest online and just ease the air out as you feel braver!

  3. when you get older, it does get harder to learn, like learning a language. when winter starts to end, right before summer, they have classes at my YMCA just for adults. not sure about the one near your town. but yeah you should be able to learn no problem, i've seen tons of people improve dramatically within a month or two.

  4. if you are scared it will be hard to learn how to swim .If kids can do it u can to

  5. I don't think it would be harder for you to learn, it just might be your genetics (if you catch on easily or takes experience for something). YMCA, maybe fitness places might have lessons.

  6. It's absolutely not harder! It seems like it should be easier since you can think more rationally. You could try your public pool or a YMCA, which will most definitely have lessons available. Once you learn, you could even join your local Masters swimming team! Good luck!

  7. Personally, for me, its much easier to teach adults i dnt need to get in the water they understand simple commands,n learn faster. While its harder but more fun with kids in that they are more enthuise, as they hve little or no fear of the water.

    The older u are the more fear u'll develop. But its also true that the older u get the more easier it is to learn, once u get past that mental block,in other words its jus a stae of mind. You should learn i think its very imporatant that everyone learns hw to swim.

    try the nearest YMCA to you for adult swim programmes, hope u do.....

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