
Is it harder to get pregnant with irregular periods?

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  1. It can be, But there are ways to figure out when you are ovulating. I would recommend buying some ovulation tests, an ovulation microscope and a BBT (Basal body temperature) thermometer. You can also Get to know your CM (cervical mucous) because it can also tell you when you are ovulating.

    I was TTC for 4 months with irregular periods (some cycles would be 12 days and other would be anything up to 51 days) And i used the ovulation microscope and my BBT thermometer and the first month using them i feel pregnant. You can buy the ovulation microscope for about $30 on ebay, the thermometer is about $15 and you can buy about 30 ovulation tests (they are just like pregnancy tests but for ovulation rather than pregnancy) for about $6.

    Goodluck and **baby dust**

  2. No I am irregular and I have a baby :)  learn NFP

  3. a little but not impossible,just you don;t know which days are ur most fertility ones in case of irigular period so i think you have to buy some ovultion kits to find on which day you are ready,it and have regular s*x to be conceived

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