
Is it harmful to the enviroment, to urinate in the sink?

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I think it is beneficial. saves water...




  1. Just pee outside with the dog then you don't have to flush or wash the sink out.

  2. um toilets are for that not sinks that is just disgusting

  3. yes because that water has to go back to the ocean because the people think that no one had touched it

  4. It doesn't matter. It's the same drain.

    All of the water that was ever here, except what we've sent into space is still here. It moves around, and your specific supply may or may not be a concern. The key is not to pollute it with toxins. Urine isn't toxic.

  5. It all goes to the sewer or septic tank.  That's the same place your toilet water goes.

    (Just please clean your sink if you plan to p**s in it.)

  6. I think Mr. Focker said it best in Meet the Fockers.

    "If it's yellow, let it mellow. If it's brown, flush it down."

    Urine is mostly water but includes a variety of other compounds - namely salts. Urinating in a sink is no different from an environmental stand point than urinating in the toilet - it winds up in the exact same place either way. However, do you really want to urinate in the same place where you brush your teeth or wash your face?

  7. god...i hope not....or my environment is gunna suck in the next couple of weeks...

  8. LOL

  9. Sink and toilet water go to the same place so it is not harmful.

  10. I agree with you.  Doesn't it all end up in the same drains eventually anyway??

  11. my sink ,yes. your sink, no.

  12. It is, if you're on birth control, but it's the same if you pee in the toilet. Birth control pee is bad, because it feminizes oraganisms, and creates an imbalance. It mimics certain hormones responsible for the s*x differentiation.

  13. it can be very harmful to other people getting that on their hands

  14. I think that's just nasty. And it shouldn't save water because you need to run a lot of water to rise out the sink plus a lot of cleaner to clean the sink free of urine and bacteria.

  15. no, it all either goes into the ground, or goes to the treatment plant (depending where you live), so it's fine

  16. nah, it's a straight drain to the sewer and it does save a flush. I think if you don't mind the smell of p iss in your sink then continue.

  17. It goes to the same place, but why would do want to do it in the sink?

  18. Nope doesn't hurt the environment it all goes to the same place wether out the toilet or down the sink. i see where you're coming from on that it saves water...  but there are other ways to help the environment then taking a wizz in your sink. I suggest you try those... but way to be creative lol

  19. I am totally grossed out.

  20. urinating in the sink kills crocidiles brought home from florida vacations thus you are saving many sewer mainatence workers lives (approx 45 in usa each year)

  21. What in the h**l is the point? It doesn't cost that much to flush the toilet. But as long as it's ur stinky sink, who cares? Just don't do it when ur visiting someone.

  22. no, why would it be? urine is one of the cleanest substances that is excreted from your body.

  23. I would have to say no! Maybe a little strange but nonetheless, no, the water that goes down the sink and the water in your toliet goes to the same place! Hope this is helpful!

  24. Why?  Then wouldnt it be harmful to drain dirty dish water?  I think it would be harmful to your personal health to urinate in the same place as you wash your hands.

    If you are worried about saving water, then wash up in the toilet before you urinate.  I cant believe I am even wasting time answering this question.  Sounds like something trailer trash would do.

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