
Is it harmfull for a 15-year-old to drink a glass one wine each night?

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Or maybe just half of a glass.




  1. Any type of alcohol is going to be at least a little harmful, to your brain and liver mostly.  However wine isn't that bad especially in moderation and it is actually beneficial in the fact that it thins out your blood stream, which could help protect against heart attacks and strokes later in life.

  2. No, Wine has actually shown to have the most health benefits out of any alcoholic beverage. 1 Glass might actually help you. But not drinking every day helps even more.

  3. Wine, in moderation, is healthy, even for teenagers. Of course, if they are sneaking their parents' wine and the parents find out, it could be very unhealthy.

  4. maybe not every night but often its ok. Wine is actually really good for your heart. Plus it keeps away certain cancers.

  5. I wouldn't advise that -- your teenager may appreciate it now but if s/he becomes a rebellious 16 - 17 years old, you may find yourself in court explaining why a minor was allowed to drink nightly in your home.

  6. No, in fact it will be quite healthful.

  7. No. as a matter of fact, drinking a little wine(I don't mean mad dog) can have benefits to digestion, and help you sleep better. But remember, wine is an alcohol and has the same affect as other liqueurs and you don't want to become alcoholic at 15.This should be taken with meals as the french do.I suppose that you are letting your parents know about this and they approve.If you plan to sneak and drink, then you are wrong.

  8. No, it is not and it could be beneficial, but keep it to half a glass, OK?

  9. Every night - yes - the part of the brain that controls decision making is still developing (that's why teenagers act so silly sometimes).  Every day drinking alcohol is going to change the way the brain develops and create a habit or addiction. Once in a while - like at birthdays, Thanksgiving, Christmas - no big deal, as long as they don't get drunk.  No matter what the benefits to your heart are, the dangers to the developing brain will over ride this.  When you are 20 or so, then it would be safer.

  10. Not exactly.  Most of the health studies indicating a benefit from drinking wine were done on subjects over age 40.  Though there is also newer research performed on 20-somethings that indicated a health benefit as well.  It would be reasonable to conclude a benefit, at that consumption level, to teenagers as well... likely due to legal reasons they don't have data for this (perhaps other countries can report on 18 year olds?).

    The only chance of harm is the possibility of becoming dependent.  I don't have any statistics for this, but I think 1/2 - 1 glass of wine isn't giving a huge chance for dependency.

  11. Try to just fill a shot glass and drink that instead it is actually healthy for you to drink wine it clears up the heart and prevents cholestoral from building up. But dont over do it.

  12. No.

    The Italians and the French encourage this.

    It has been established that wine, in moderation , is good for the

    heart and for blood circulation. However, you must insist that the

    consumtion of wine always be associated with food. You need to

    make sure  that wine is consumed before a meal as an aspertif

    and later as a cap to a desert. You must instill in him, and teach

    him by example, that wine must never be consumed by it self

    for the sole purpose of getting drunk.

    There is a whole art as to which wine goes with what foods and

    desserts. If you do this carefully and tastefully, you will instill

    in him a culture that is seriously lacking in the American culture.

    How I wish my parents would have known about this.

    I am now a recovering wino!!!    

  13. Yes.  You're going to die immediately.

    (The real answer, as everyone knows, is "no.")

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