
Is it healthy for a cat to eat tinned tuna in brine?

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This is on a nightly basis as a supplement to his usual nutritional dry food




  1. I don't know about the nightly basis part as tuna has been found to have traces of mercury in it.Hope that helps.

  2. It shouldn't harm him any. My mother in law gave her cats canned tuna every night and they were fine.

  3. it is absolutely NOT healthy for a cat to eat tuna or any other kind of fish especially if he is a male is very high in magnesium which could cause crystals in his urinary tract which will ultimately cause blockage of his urinary tract...this could cause death my sister's cat died within 24 hours of having his urinary tract cat had crystals and he had to have a catheter placed into his urinary tract for almost 2 days to flush it cat now eats Purina One for Urinary Tract Health so as you see this is quite a common issue that most pet owner's are unaware of please stop feeding your cat fish and get him on a good quality prevention food

  4. Lucky little moggie.  Not every cat is fortunate to own someone as caring as you

  5. Yeah it is but I think your over doing it a bit! I fed mine that when there was no cat food in the house, they absolutely LOVE fish lol.x

  6. fish is a treat for cats *** love it so much instead of giving it him once a night give it to him at the end of every week so he has something to look forward to. make sure he has lots of water near him

  7. You're spoiling the little yeti but it's never done mine any harm. Make sure he's got plenty of regular water available.

  8. tuna should be a treat cats get all they need from there cat food thats made for them. tuna is high in salt especially being in brine which dehydrates

  9. Its not tooooo bad, used to feed my fussy cat on it when he wouldn't eat ANYTHING else except biscuits, but you can get tuna in water for same price as brine normally, prob bit better for the little guy...

  10. yes this is fine, as long as your cat has access to clean fresh water at all times and still gets a complete cat food everyday. cats love fish so your cat must be very happy, he's lucky he has such a caring owner :D

  11. This should only be as a treat, as it can cause dehydration if given too much. Theres a lot of salt content in brine, so go easy how much you give.

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