
Is it healthy for a man to never ejaculate?

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Cause I'm about to embark on a journey of "no sexuality" whatsoever. No s*x, masturbation, or anything like that. But I have heard in movies like "The 40 Yr Old Virgin" and "Dan in Real Life" that a man MUST basically ejaculate from time to time. Is this true? I know elephant males can store up enough testosterone to the point of being "drunk" on it but I don't know if the same can happen to human men. I am doing this because ejaculation takes away my edge and I'm trying to be as solid as a rock and not be desperate for women like every other man, not that I'm trying to be "g*y" or anything. Though sexual pleasure is a fantastic feeling, it makes you weaker. Even pro male boxers aren't allowed sexual activity 8 whole weeks before the bout. I just feel like I can become more productive and powerful as a person without the distraction of sexuality. Not reccomending this for anyone at all but myself, I'd just like to know if it's ok and healthy. 'Tis gonna be a pain though heh.




  1. The starting assumptions that you have based this decision on are flawed.  There may be reasons for abstaining from s*x, but doing so will not have the effect you desire in this case because you don't understand the actual affects of ejaculation.  Movies like "40 Year Old Virgin" are not a good source for sound medical or scientific information.

    First - human males can get along just fine if they choose not to ejaculate.  There will probably be some wet dreams for a while, and then the body will settle down to a routine of reabsorbing all the fluids it produces.

    Second - ejaculation has no effect on your testosterone level.  Testosterone is secreted into the bloodstream, not the s***n.  Ejaculating often or seldom does not change how much testosterone you produce, that's controlled by a feedback loop based on how much testosterone is present in the blood.

    Third - abstaining from s*x activity is likely to make you more desperate for women, not less.  An o****m reduces your level of sexual tension.

    Fourth - Experiencing s*x does not make you weaker.  Some people think that it does because there's a warm, relaxed feeling after o****m for a few minutes, nature's reward for having s*x.  After a few minutes the endorphins and melatonin are digested.  The effect is mild even while it lasts.

    Fifth - some trainers tell boxers to abstain from s*x before the bout based on the above myth, and the belief that it will make them "meaner".  There's no basis for this belief, it's just sports superstition.  There's even a counter-example, a successful boxer who had women in his room up to 15 minutes before his contests, and was very successful.

    Sixth - if you don't want to be distracted by s*x, one of the best ways is to m********e occasionally.  As I mentioned above, o****m reduces your level of sexual tension.

    If you want to abstain from s*x, it's up to you, no one's going to make you have s*x.  But just make sure you're doing it for sound reasons, instead of myths and rumors.

  2. If you don't u could get PROSTATE Cancer

  3. This is a good way to keep your sexual hormones under control and this is a good goal. Yes, males have to ejaculate and because we are much more complicated than animals, I doubt you can get drunk on testosterone, for there are many men who don't engage in masturbation or s*x for a long time. Since your body won't be used to it, you may ejaculate in your sleep for a while until your body adjust, but after that you should be fine. Hope this helps.

  4. Ya man I would never be able to do that. It wont hurt your body but you will have to try really hard to not m********e and stuff.  It is good for the body when you do m********e but it wont do any thing to you speceficly

  5. Yes it is absolutely fine! I have be practicing the same technique for the last 24 years with very good results.

    I've been more awake and alert upon rising, a much better attitude at work, much better social interactions and I seem to be so much more spiritually fit.  

    I would recommend it to anyone willing to go 24 hours without s*x.

    Oh did I say 24 years earlier? I meant 24 hours!!! Are you serious ? Never ejaculate by choice?  

    Dude!!! they make medication for whatever your feeling !!!

  6. the thing about that is if u did m********e before its mostly likely that u will have wet dreams.

  7. I've never heard of anyone actually medically dying from lack of, but you will find other outlets to consume your pent up energy...

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