
Is it healthy to NOT have a period?

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I have recently just started using the Nuvaring as a form of birth control. As an added bonus, my OB told me that every 21 days I can remove it, and insert a new one ... thus NOT having a period at all. She reassured me that it is healthy, but some women at work are insisting that it is not good for your body and can cause health problems down the road. Anyone know for sure?




  1. Any form of contraceptive such as the Nuvaring or the pill, etc... don't actually require you to have a period at all. I've spoken to my doctor about all of these things, and the period you have whilst using contraception is actually synthetic! It serves no purpose, and is not dangerous to not have one. The pill, nuvaring, etc... are designed to have a period function in them so women actually feel normal! And also, to be further aware of what part of your cycle you're in at any given time.

    When your pregnant, your uterus has no need to shed its lining and prepare for a baby (obviously), this is what the pill does, it 'tricks' your body into believing it's pregnant.

    Up too you if you choose to have a period, it's merely a personal choice, and not a dangerous one :)

  2. to me it sounds like that can cause health problems i'd look that Nuvaring thing up on the internet did you see that commercial about all the different things that can happen in five years and if having a baby is not included in those plans then get this so and so. idk what its called but u should look that up. but i've never heard of a type of birth control that stops you from having a period

  3. Having a period is natural, to stop nature from doing it's thing can't be healthy at all.

  4. I think your co-workers are right =/

  5. of course it will cause other side effects,

    this is unnatural.

    it's preventing natural things from happening to your

    body... common sense please?

  6. it's defiantly not healthy.

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