
Is it healthy to cross breed cats?

by Guest45150  |  earlier

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my cat had kittens and they are now a year and they have mated together and now the female is pregnant i just don't know if the kittens will be healthy!




  1. There is a possiblilty that they can have genetic problems, but there is also a chance that they could be normal.  Keep the boys seperate from the females, and at least neuter the males (it's cheaper) The humane society can give you information on low cost spay and neuter, but get it done ASAP...Please tell me they are not indoor cats, boy cats smell horrible if not neutered.

  2. You are taking a chance a big chance. A 50/50 chance of some abnormalities some physical where you can see, others may not be so obvious or it may not show up until another generation of kitties . I suggest visiting a vet for examination and neutering and spaying

  3. A good owner does not allow their cats to breed at all. They go pay the small fee at the vet, or find one of those free services they come around doing in each town once or twice a year. They get their pets FIXED. Your cats are going to be unhealthier by not being fixed.

    And the other person was right. This is not cross breeding. Cross breeding means when you take one breed of cat and breed them with a differnt type of cat. Let's say, a persian with a syamese cat... that would be cross breeding. Interbreeding means when it's within the family line. How could they possibly be healthy like that? This is why most stray cats don't live as long as decently bred cats.

    Have the pregnant cats pregnancy terminated if it isn't too late. Have them all fixed. Over 10 million cats and dogs were put to sleep last year from unwanted pets. This year will be far higher. You are helping that number go up. Care more for your pets and care more about animals in general and stop allowing animals to breed that you own.

    I bet you love your cats enough to want to keep them in good health. If your parents can't afford it, there are free services. If your parents still claim they can't afford it... there's two things here. One, if you can't afford all the care a pet needs, you shouldn't have one. Two, you can go out and earn the money yourself to have it done. Babysitting, wshing cars, walking dogs, house sitting, or taking on a bagger job at the local grocery store. Make enough and be responsible enough to care for yoru animals properly. I am counting on you to love them enough to do the right things. :)  

  4. No, inbreeding isn't healthy. Get your freaking cats spayed and neutered. WTF?

  5. That's not crossbreeding, that's inbreeding. And no, it isn't healthy. Get all your cats spayed and neutered.

  6. i think it is alright to cross breed cats there is nothing wrong with that but if it was a dog that would be a different story.

  7. You can end up with some sickly kittens. If she's under 3 weeks pregnant, she can still be spayed. If you can, please go that route. Young cats who have litters are susceptible to all kinds of problems so she'll need vet monitoring if you allow the pregnancy. Please have them fixed asap so you don't end up in this boat again.  

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