
Is it healthy to cut out all breads, pastas, and rice?

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I want to stick to eating vegetables and fruits and an egg everyday.. and fish/chicken maybe once/twice a week, if it's available during dinner. would that be healthy? I also plan on cutting out milk. It is not only for dieting but I also want to clear my skin because I have eczema and acne.

are veg/fruits enough carbs? would i fulfill my vitamin requirements? how about egg whites? i know i cant have the egg yolk everyday.




  1. You won't be getting enough complex carbohydrates if you completely cut out grains.  I suggest eating whole grain breads, rice, and pastas, and there's also whole wheat flour that you can use in your cooking so it's healthier for you, and it doesn't contribute to yeast infections and eczema and acne near as much because it's not a simple carbohydrate that includes sugar.

  2. You will get everything you need by eating the following:

    Raw leafy green veggies (romaine, red and green leaf lettuces, kale spinach, etc)

    Solid green veggies - raw, steamed or frozen (asparagus, broccoli, cabbage, peas, peppers, etc)

    Non-green, non-starchy (beets, mushrooms, onions, tomatoes, etc)

    Beans/legumes - cooked, canned or sprouted ( chickpeas, pinto beans, black beans, etc)

    Fresh fruits (apples, bananas, oranges, watermelon, etc)

    Starchy veggies (white potatoes, sweet potatoes, squash, corn, carrots, etc)

    Whole grains (barley, millet, oats, brown rice, quinoa, etc)

    Raw nuts and seeds (almonds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, etc)

    You don't have to eat eggs, fish or meat to get everything you need.  Raw leafy greens are the highest in nutrient density.

    For further reading, get the book below.  It has recipes in it that are good.  Also check out for good recipes.

  3. Go to your doc and get him/her to refer you to a dietitian if you can afford it co private. your question shows me that you need qualified info.

  4. Complex Carbohydrates are an important part of a person's diet. It is from such things that we get the energy to work and play. So no, do not cut out all of them. On the other hand you do not need flesh foods for good health and vitality. Flesh foods have no dietary fiber, are loaded with growth hormones, antibiotics, steroids, pesticides and salmonella. Bad idea.

    Eggs, chicken and fish are not part of a healthy diet and are certainly are not part of a vegetarian regimen. Eggs are embryonic chickens and are loaded with salmonella - both the cholesterol dense yolk and the albumen or whites. Chicken are not feathered vegetables and are also loaded with growth hormones and salmonella; and they are raised in horrendous conditions where they are not only caged in coops which have the lights on all day and night and they are unable to move; but they are also delibeately mutilated and have their beaks cut off.

    Fish are not scaly vegetables either and they too have significant issues with taint. They have Mercury in their flesh as well as other pollutants: Teflon, PCB's, and often are diseased with cancers which are not a good idea to ingest.  

    It is also impotant to remember that when an animal is slaughtered it releases the hormones for fear and anger into its blood steam to flood its tissues -- even fish do -- don't you have enough of those emotions on you own without eating more of the same?

    Call it what you like from fillet to fricasee, spice it, dice it, bake or roast it -- it is still a dead carcass and you are still turning your body into a graveyard. Life comes from life. So I would urge you to avoid dead animals altogether. They do not belong on you plate.

    Also there is no need to do things in half way measures and you do not need to do this slowly or step by step. If you are eating poison simply cut it out -- all of it -- all at once. Your body, your health and your mental outlook will all thank you for it.

    Either you are vegetarian or you aren't. Simple.  Vitamins are not the issue except for B12 which is available in Nutritional Yeast and in Tempeh.  Minerals, however, are an issue and you may need to supplement them but you should do that anyway. Our soils are depleted of them and have been for more than a century. Contrary to popular opinion the body burns minerals -- not only vitamins and not only sugars  for its energy source.

    So yes, do cut out dairy, it is doing your eczema no favors, but replace it with hemp, soy, almond or rice milk and cheese.

    To keep your diet varied and interesting eat a wide variety of fruits, vegetables; whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds; and beans.That will provide you with excellent nutrition and delicious meals at the same time. Check out

    for great recipes for eggless desserts -- cakes, pies, tarts and frozen treats as well as diverse ways to prepare tofu, tempeh, and a host of other wonderful foods for exciting, delicious, healthy meals. Keep the carbs complex too. Remember that Quinoa is an ancient grain that has all of the essential amino acids fully present and bio-available in it. And it is the only one of them that does. Lucky for us that it is easy to prepare and also that they have made it into a light and flavorful pasta too! Good luck to you.

  5. adkins diet,huh? well carbs are the enemy

  6. no...

    cutting out the dairy for your eczema is a very good idea...

    try using more soy products and a multi vitamin to help your skin heal..

  7. You shouldnt really cut out an entire food group.. whole grains like brown rice, whole wheat bread/pasta are really good for you and give you energy. Dairy, yes! Cut it out, you're not a baby cow, after all. I like to drink soy milk and use it in cooking. Also there are rice, almond, oat, hemp, and multigrain milks to choose from. There is vegan cheese, creamer, ice cream, yogurt, everything!

  8. Yes, there are carbs in vegetables.  It's actually better than the carbs in bread, pasta, etc. as those have been processed much further than say some steamed or stir fried veggies .... or raw veggies.

    You don't need egg for vitamins of any kind.  Humans are designed to be best suited to eating fruit.  No different than Chimps in the ways of digestion.  Fruit has everything we need.  But of course, Chimps eat it very fresh right off the trees... we have old fruit imported from 2000 miles away.  Makes some difference.  Plus we can live waaaay up north were it's damned cold in the winter -- fruit is not a 'warming' food, as far as my experience goes.

    Well, go to it, no harm in trying.  You cannot kill yourself by just trying, if that's what you are worried about.  Just listen to your body... if it says, "yeah, that's good... more..." there you go.

  9. It is not a good idea to cut out all of any of the food groups.  Instead, try to eat a balanced diet.

  10. You should probably ask this in the diet and fitness section.  Vegetarians do not eat chicken or fish.

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