
Is it healthy to eat a raw egg every morning?

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You know like just crack it open and gulp it down. Is that good for you?




  1. no you ll most likely 2 get semolina . and u dont whant that you could die.

  2. "no you ll most likely 2 get semolina . and u dont whant that you could die."

    It is very very rare that that happens anymore nowadays. It is an irrational fear.

    On the other hand, raw egg protein is not as easily available to the body as cooked egg protein. I would suggest cooking it.

  3. The raw protein is very good for building muscle mass.

    There is, however, a risk of salmonella.  If you've got an immune deficiency, this is a risk you don't want to take.  If not, it's probably not something you have to worry about--even if you do get salmonella poisoning, it would be unlikely to result in anything more serious than a day of diarrhea.   You can decrease this risk somewhat by eating only cage-free, organic eggs from vegetarian-fed hens.

    Additionally, if you have high cholesterol, eating egg yolk is a bad idea.  The whites contain a lot of protein and little to no fat, and they're much less likely to contain salmonella due to not supporting bacterial growth, so you may be better off eating just that, anyway (remember, the chicken is formed from the albumen, and it uses the yolk as sustenance during its time in the egg).

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