
Is it healthy to go jogging daily?

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I'm fourteen, and I've been jogging combined with a healthy diet in an attempt to burn what remaining baby fat I have on my stomach. I know that it isn't healthy to work out a muscle group daily, but is jogging daily unhealthy? I get up at 5:30am to do it, and I do it BEFORE I eat. Thanks! (:




  1. Absolutely not. At this age, it is defiantly healthy to be running.

    I am thirteen and I am a pure distance runner. I run about two to three hours daily and also alternate my workouts each day. Try accelerations, hill sprints, and even very long slow distances.

    Make sure you drink plenty of water and eat a proper diet. If your weight is 125 lbs. you need to take in at least 80 ounces of water a day. The less your weight, the less water you need to take in. Try avoiding drinks such as Gatorade as they have much more sugar than what you'd expect. Drink water, water, and oh yeah water. Keep a good pace going and try not to stop.

    Your diet should consist of healthy lean meats, low fat dairy, whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables.

    Take a buddy with you and make it a fun daily activity. It is a great idea for you too run every day.

    Keep at it. Good luck!


  2. well the way you are doing it.. no its not healthy. you shouldn't be aiming to burn off your baby fat. your body needs that so you can go through puberty, grow taller, get b***s ect. you dont want to look like a little boy do you?

    mabye you should jogg like every other day or somthin like that so you dont become obssevive.

    and make sure you eat plenty. dont starve yourself... that will only slow your metabolism down.  

  3. no, you shouldn't run or go joggin on an empty stomach. when you do that your body has already fasted all night (6-10 hours of sleep im assuming). have something when you first wake up. wait about 30 minutes. then go jogging. if you just go jogging first, you body will go into a catabolic state where it thinks its starving, so the first thing you do eat, its going to store it as fat. oh yeah that brings up another thing, you wont be burning fat jogging, it will be burning your muscle because u dont have any glycogen in ur muscles.  

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