
Is it healthy to just eat fruits and vegetables and nothing else in your diet??

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Is it healthy to just eat fruits and vegetables and nothing else in your diet??




  1. yes. its called a raw food diet or lifestyle. i did it for a month and lost over 30 pounds. very stict but well worth it in the end. get your protein from eating alot of green leafy vegatables and nuts.

  2. At the risk of pissing off every raw-foodist on Earth, no, it is not healthy to eat just fresh fruits and veggies only.

    However, if you include legumes, nuts, seeds, grains, and other plant based foods (tempeh, etc.), then you can create a healthy, well-balanced diet.

  3. In the long run you'll need some protein.  Not sure if you're going on a raw diet or just an easy way to go vegan but you can get protein from approved sources with both of those diets.

  4. NO! You'll lose nutrients that you get from other types of foods which will make you unhealthy.  Just eat healthy portions of every type of food.

  5. Absolutely not....., You will die of pernicious anemia even if nothing else gets you, because it is absolutely impossible--not just difficult--to get vitamin B12 from plant food.

    Many people think vegan diets are not healthy and that becoming a vegetarian means that you will have to follow a strict vegan diet and miss out on all the fantastic tastes that non-vegetarians get to enjoy.Is this true? Here are some eating healthy tips that will prove those people wrong.

    Tip #1: Eat apricots & carrots

    That's a nice little "Eating Healthy Tip". Apricots and carrots are great because the contain a lot of beta-carotene, vitamin C, iron and potassium and only a few calories. Eat them whenever you get the chance.

    Tip #2: Drink Beverages

    Unsweeted fruit juices are tasty can be a good source of vitamins. Other healthy options are mineral water, tea, blended fruits with soy milk. These are all powerful.

    Tip #3: Washing and Peeling: Do not over do it

    You know you have to wash fruits and vegetables to remove pesticides. Also, many people completely peel the fruits before they eat them. You must know that if you wash too much or peel the fruits you may remove some of the nutritional value. So don't over do it!

    Tip #4: Do not use Fructose

    Many people believe that fructose is healthy because it's derived from fruit. The truth is that fructose is not a healthy sweetener and it is not derived by fruit! In fact, it is a highly refined sugar that is believed to cause cancer and high cholesterol.

    Tip #5: Eat Nuts

    Nuts and seeds are extremely powerfulland healthy. Vegetarians who eat lots of nuts have a stronger heart. Nuts contain huge amounts of vitamins and minerals like vitamin E,B, magnesium, calcium etc. They also help to stabilize your blood dugar. So go for nuts!

    Tip #6: Vitamin Compensation

    Vegetarian meatless diets cause lack of iron and B vitamin. These vitamins are crucial to your health and you must compensate for them by eating whole grains or dark leaf vegetables.

  6. There is more protien in Fruits & Veggie than most people realize,,but Nuts, Sprouted Legumes, Seeds add lots of additional protien to your diet. Grains such as Oats, Brown Rice, Quiona, round out a healthy diet.

    Note to JR: Raw does not mean lack of protien. I eat everything above except Rice raw.

  7. No, you need to include whole grains, protein, and calcium. you need to eat stuff like pasta, and for protein tofu and soy, and for calcium, dairy products.

  8. No. Go to the library and read books on anorexia nervosa and/or bulemia.

  9. absolutely not.  Although fruits and vegetables are very nutritious, you cannot get some very essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that you need from fruits and vegetables alone.

  10. not at all,because they cant give you all the minerals,complex carbs and protein you need

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