
Is it hidden STD or am i over thinking?

by  |  earlier

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very first time in my life i had protected s*x with one of sexworker about 9 years back. iam tested Negative for HIV (Tested atleast 15 times in 9 years). but i noticed since then i have throat pain (actually i feel it behind my oesophagus), i have loose stools (atleast 3-4 times on average), darker complexion day by day, easy fatigue. my reports for blood picture, hepatitis, thyroid are normal. i dont understand whats going with me. can anybody help.




  1. Shayar,

    You are wise to have periodic screening tests for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).  Because your tests were negative, you should not be concerned about any hidden STD, BUT continue to use protection and have an annual screen unless you develop clinical evidence of an STD.

    If you are having loose stools 3-4 times on average EVERY day, then I am concerned that you might have an intestinal parasite (like amebic dysentery) or a digestive problem with fat in food.  For both possibilities it would be good to have a stool examination both for parasites and for fat.  For the throat pain which you feel, it might also be of value to have a basic chest X-ray to evaluate your lungs or any chest disease.

    All of the above should be evaluated by a physician.

  2. your worrying yourself to death.


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