
Is it his fault or mine because I left it too open ended?

by  |  earlier

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He called me on Sunday and said that he wanted to take me out this week/weekend before he goes out of town next week. I told him to let me know the time and the place and I'd be there. Well as of yesterday, he hadn't made any definite plans with me yet. So I text him and said if your still trying to take me out before you go out of town, let me know. I'd like too see u soon. Well he called almost an hour later but I missed the call because I was out bowling with some friends and he didn't leave a message. I didn't see until this morning that I had missed calls, I just figured he'd text me back.

Anyway, I text him this morning to let him know why I missed his calls and he hasn't responded yet. Am I being too impatient? I think he forgot and didn't remember until I sent him that text, that's why he called. But shouldn't I want him to plan in advance instead of last minute?

My friend said maybe I left it too open ended and I should've confirmed a time and day when he said it. But I know he has a crazy work schedule and he has kids so I was letting him make it so it would be convient for him. What should I do now? Was I wrong or was he?




  1. No one was wrong.You just missed one another's calls.Maybe this is a higher power intervening trying to tell you something?

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