
Is it horrible not to see your grandma in the hospital?

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Is it horrible not to see your grandma in the hospital?




  1. yes, i know because when my 73 yr. old adopted mother is in the hospital it scares me.

  2. Yes, ahe is family and would probably love to see her relatives visit her.  I don't think you should be asking.

  3. it depends on your reason. i get sick by just the smell of hospitals so i don' t go. but if you're unable to, send her a card or call

  4. I think it is very bad to see your grandma at the hospital because of course she might......... pass away. :(

  5. It depends on your reason. Not that it's good to make excuses...but my grandparents said that we shouldn't sacrifice for our education...and when I was in school my grandpa has a great portion of his leg amputated. He told me to stay home.

    Another time he was hospitalized I could bare seeing him in pain. I had seen him in terrible pain when I helped take care of him and that scared the life out of me. When I didn't visit him at the hospital, he understood. He knew why I wasn't there. He was one of my best friends and seeing him in agony is now how he wanted me to see him. He understood that when he got out, we'd be together again. Able to hang out watching gun smoke. Sometimes I do feel bad because I didn't go to see other family members in the hospital, but at the same time...they also need rest and there are so many people that show up in my family.

    Yes, it could be horrible...but at the same time there can be an understanding between you and your grandma. If she knows you love may not be a big deal to her. My grandpa preferred for us to stay at home. He was a strong man his whole life and we saw him in weakness.

  6. I don't think its horrible, but it is always nice to see family that cares when you are in the hospital. Sometimes just a simple visit reminds that person how lucky they are to have the people in their life. Hope all is well.

  7. sure is unless you are sick and infectious or a small child

  8. No.  I didn't go to my grandfather's funeral, either.

    When I'm sick or in the hospital I want everyone to go away and leave me be.

  9. There are two reasons it can be ok:

    1) You are not close to her, were never close, were mistreated by her, etc

    2) You would rather see your grandmother as the healthy person you knew in the past and can't bear to see her in the hospital.

  10. kinda lol :D

  11. Yeah pretty much!

  12. Actually it's horrible for anyone you love to be in the hospital in the first place. You have my sympathy.

    I know it's horrible to have to go, but you will regret it if you don't.

    Go with someone else, tell them how you feel beforehand and have a good cry when you come out if you need to.

  13. Depends on the circumstances. I think you should go if you like her or not because she'll always be your grandma and maybe you'll make up with her that way. If its coz you can't be bothered then your just plain lazy.

  14. Yes but better to go see them and talk other than finding out they died and you never went to see them in theyre last days  

  15. I lost my Nana (grandma) two years ago and miss her every moment of every day.  Could you live with yourself if your grandma died this round in the hospital and you didn't go to see her?

  16. Yes it is.

  17. id go see her it may be the last time u do im glad i went to the hospital to see my grandma b4 she passed away

  18. it isnt horrible but if she is dying .. hopefulii not ,, she would want to see you hospitals arnt the best places and may make people feel scared and lonely  

    my advice to you is goo and see her you may regret it in the futer x best of luck x

  19. There is no good excuse not to visit your poor grandma!  Get thee to the hospital forthwith!

  20. You are so mean, mean granddaughter.  

  21. I dont think it is horrible (am scared of hospital ) ... but you can make an effort...

    you dont want to regret it later... suck it up and visit her .it could help her out... be strong for her  

  22. It depends on your grandma and you.  

    If she does not want you there, then it would be horrible to go.  (I don't mean that in a rude way - I know when I was recovering from an emergency c-section I did not want 5 bazillion people wanting to talk to me, and the thought of someone other than my hubby watching me sleep creeps me out.  However, I knew my extended family would stay for hours and not let me rest, so I made it clear I only wanted my child's grandparents and aunt to visit so I could recover better.  Her focus should be recovery.)

    If it's a routine, outpatient procedure, there's really no reason to go.

    Is it possible that the hospital might not want you there?  When my mom's mom was in ICU we were only limited to 3 people at a time, you had to have a flu vaccine weeks before the visit, etc. etc.  Respecting the hospital's policies are a good reason not to go.

    If you really can't stand the smells/sights of hospitals, I'd make a brief visit if she is in a critical condition.  You might regret not being able to say goodbye should she pass on.  

    If you have to more than a small drive to see her and you can't afford it and no one else will help, don't beat yourself up over it.

    As an alternative, you might want to consider sending a card/flowers/whatever to let her know she is in your thoughts.  A phone call would be thoughtful as well.  And she might need help when she gets home as well - folks tend to forget that time period when you don't have that convenient call button but still need help.  If you'd feel more comfortable visiting/helping then I'm sure she'd appreciate it.

    Best of luck to you and your grandma!

  23. Depends on why they are in the Hospital.....some people like to remember their loved ones the way they were and not on their deathbed but paying your respects is something you will be glad you did.....but if I was you I would go see her if she is just sick and recovering.

  24. No it is not horrible. It is just mean.

  25. yes

  26. Not if its your choice. Like if your young and your parents won't take you. Also if your extremely busy with work or having family troubles of your own. But if nothing big like that is happening, yes, its pretty bad.

  27. well it depends why your not seeing her

    horrible: you just don't want to

    not horrible: you don't liek to see her sick in the hospital

  28. That depends on about a million factors. Details?

  29. Uhmm, it's not really all that horrible. It's more like wrong. I know if my grandma was in the hospital that I would go see her.

  30. i think that depend on the situation.but u shoud better go to her,bring her some juice,and magazins

  31. I think your question is 'is it horrible not to go see your grandma in the hospital?'  If so, not horrible but very inconsiderate of you.  Your grandma is lying in a hospital bed and I don't know how sick she is but she is lonely and maybe a little scared.  Do really have no time to spare for her? Do you love your grandma and will you miss her if something happens to her?

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