
Is it ileagal to buy a condom when your 14???

by  |  earlier

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I think it's not but my retarded friend thinks it is...




  1. No

  2. its not trust me i have plenty of friends who have bought condoms before. the store clerk may look at you weird but safe s*x is best s*x.

  3. No, it's not illegal but you shouldn't be having s*x at 14. Teen boys and their raging hormones...

    BUUT if you insist on having s*x, good idea to use a condom...

  4. No, it is not illegal to buy a condom at 14 but you shouldn't! You are not ready for s*x!

  5. No, it's not illegal. You might earn a few funny looks, but as long as you're not buying alcohol or tobacco they can't say anything. Honestly, how often do you see "Must show ID before buying condoms" tacked up at the pharmacy?

  6. no its not illegal.

  7. it is illegal and your friend is as stupid as you are

    lol jk jk jk your not stupid no one is stupid

  8. no it's not.

  9. No it's not true. you can buy it your self.

  10. u can at any age..

  11. There are no age restrictions on buying condoms =)

    and im not gonna tell you that your too young to have s*x, im glad at least your going to use protection!

  12. ...NO, not illegal.... so buy some and dont have any babies.....good luck

  13. Nope, but some places say you're not old enough and won't let you buy them.

    This happened to my boyfriend and he's 16.

  14. no, but please dont do it.

    think about what can happen if u get the girl pregnant by accident. and IT DOES happen

  15. No.

  16. no it perfectly right in the law

  17. No, there is no age restriction for buying condoms.

  18. If you are of age to buy milk and soda then you are of age to buy can buy them at any age

  19. um lmao!!!

    i dont think that 14 is correct age to have s*x but thats your choice.

    um, to answer your question no there is no certain limitation on what age you need to be to buy CONDOMS.

    If you are having s*x, make sure you use protection to keep you away from std&sti's

    Another thing iwouls advice at leasr wait till your school givs you s*x ed

    there no rush .... the will tell you everything yo need to know about s*x condoms protectiong ect.

    If you can not wait go on the site...

  20. no but it is to use it.

  21. lol no

    but you shouldn't be having s*x at 14 but if you are at least your smart and safe about it

  22. haha nope =]

  23. Nope, Plus, they have no right to ask you for your age.

  24. Nope, but i'm sure most 14 year olds would be embarrassed to buy condoms.

  25. no it is not ileagal to buy a condom so ur friend is not all that retarded

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