
Is it illeagal to record a consert

by Guest58170  |  earlier

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can i record a jonas brothers concert and put it on you-tube????????????????????????????????... not gonna sell it or anything but is it ok???




  1. It is illegal to record concerts UNLESS given permission by the people in charge of it.

  2. I think it's ok to just put it on Youtube,but selling it is illiegal.I've seen a bunch of people put conserts on Youtube.  

  3. NO don't do it.  You can get away with a pic but not video.

  4. There's a section of the law called "Fair Use" which is fairly misinterpreted, along with a plethora of misconceptions under copyright law. Fair Use allows for the inclusion of portions of copyrighted works to allow for noncommercial, non-profit, critical, and academic uses. However, this law does not apply to individual use, merely to inclusion in other works.

    Even if you purchased the concert legally, it is against the law to duplicate or rip it (DMCA, 1998). It's also illegal to record it because of the same law, in spite of the fact that exactly this right was won in the Sony/Betamax case in 1984. If you put the concert onto YouTube, the Jonas Brothers (or their agents, or the studios, or anyone else they've authorized to handle their copyright, with or without their current permission) can take you to court.

    Therefore, it's ill-advised to put anything copyrighted up on YouTube unless it's clearly Fair Use.

    If you disagree with this, it's recommended that you write to both your Senators and to your Congressional Representative and express your support for a more reasonable copyright law.

  5. i do that too but i dont post it on youtube can get into trouble

    but who cares

    everyone does it

    but if you want to be safe

    dont do it.

    so yes its illeagal lol

  6. It is illegal; it's called p****y. Buy the CD or get an MP3 like everyone else.

  7. More often than not when you purchase a ticket for a concrnt there will be fine print either on the ticket itself or on the website promoting the concert or at the venue that states a condition of attending is that you don't record by vdieo or sound the event as it breaches copyright etc.

    Regardless of whther you sell something or simply 'give it away free' by uploading to the Internet you're breaking the law by copying/ripping  it in the first place.

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