
Is it illegal (a crime) to admit to doing drugs? Can said admissions get a person arrested for this admission

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Is it illegal (a crime) to admit to doing drugs? Can said admissions get a person arrested for this admission




  1. I wouldn't chance it.  

  2. using drugs is a crime.  Admitting using drugs is not a crime, but the admission is evidence of the crime of using drugs.  In most cases, however, an admission of past drug use, without more, will not result in an arrest.  It could, but it won't.  On the other hand, BEING under the influence is a crime in most states and an admission of using drugs a short time earlier, coupled with other evidence, will often result in arrest, charge, conviction and imprisonment.

  3. Nope. It's only illegal to be in possession of illegal drugs. It's not illegal to be an addict, or admitting to doing drugs. It can be seen as cause to search if you tell a cop that you do drugs.

  4.   No you cannot be arrested for admitting to using drugs. You have to be in possession of them or involved in a conspiracy involving the possession of drugs.  

  5. Yes, You can be arrested.  Anything you say can and will be held against you in a court of law.  Doesn's mean the judge will do anything about it, but you can be arrested.  The police will arrest you and let the courts sort it out.  Alot of times, if arrested, they'll say they are going to charge with something, which could cost say 1500 and a year in jail.  Then they'll throw a plea bargain at you cause they know they don't really have anything on you but you saying you did drugs.  It's a tactic that is used and all stupid people take it.  They promise to lessen the charges if you sign a guilty plea aggreement, and then say, just knock it down to 1500 bucks fine.  Bam, you know what they just did, they could have falsely arrested you, you were scared and went for the plea bargain cause you thought it would protect you from jail when in fact you probably wouldn't even went to jail and everything would be dropped anyhow.  They just swindled you for 1500 bucks.

  6. Best to keep a tight lip on this one.

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