
Is it illegal...drinking?

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Is it illegal to be at a party where underage people are drinking if you're underage and not drinking?




  1. you might get in trouble for being with people who are doing that.

    if the cops are there do you really think they will believe you if you say "i wasn't drinking though" if a cop believed that story every time some person said that to them, the world would be full of crime and criminals.

    you might even be convinced to drink while at the party! as long as you don't have even 1 sip of alcohol and the cops come, take a alcohol test, you SHOULD be clean of all alcohol.

    have fun at the party, but don't drink!

    ,goodluck hope this helps!

  2. No, but they will still probably call your parents

  3. if ur under age and drinking it's illegal,if your not underage and drinking

    it's legal

  4. noooooooo

  5. No.

  6. No its not illegal, unless you provide the booze, or perhaps the house.  That being said, the police may cite you for underage drinking and then its a matter of proof.

  7. No you are fine.  But if peeps at the party are of Legal Age they can be cited for "Contributing to the deliquency of a Minor".

  8. The best way to stay out of trouble is to stay away from trouble.

  9. Not wise to put yourself in that situation.

  10. No. Why are you even asking this question? If someone knows a law is being broken, but they fail to report that, they can be charged... different charge in different states, depending on the ages of those involved & what type of crime was committed. But it is very much illegal to do this.

  11. Yep.  If the cops raid, then you will be taken to the station right along with those that are drinking.

  12. uhmm i think if something happens then you can be held responsible & as long as the party is not at ur house but otherwise no

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