
Is it illegal for 12 year olds to smoke a cigarette?

by  |  earlier

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Some people tell me no, some people say yes. some people say no, but it is illegal for them to buy it.

Oh and I DO NOT want to smoke nor am i intrested in it. Some kids i know do it, and i told them it was illegal and they didn't believe me




  1. You need to check your local bylaws. In my state, minors may possess and use tobacco as they see fit. In parts of Cali, however, the cops will badger you and take your cigarettes. Some places, you even have to show a card to buy a lighter! Where I live, lighters are over the counter, but rolling papers need ID.

    Whether or not it's illegal for minors to use tobacco in your community and or state, it's illegal nationwide to buy tobacco for minors. Yes, kids in some places can smoke, but have no legal means of aquiring. Wierd, I know.


    Minors CAN possess and consume tobacco products in NJ. You'd just need to check the laws if your county and the minicipalities in which these people are smoking. My guess, though, is that it's dead legal.

  2. Here's an article on an attempt to pass a bill in New Jersey:

    And another on a New Jersey law banning possession:

    Of course, no one pays attention to those stupid laws anyway. Cops have better things to do than bust teenagers for being teenagers, and the studies I've read about show that the bans have no effect on the kids themselves.

  3. Yes, it is illegal.  You must be 18 to purchase, possess, or use tobacco products.

  4. in the privacy of your home, like your room, no. out in public, yes. and don't let Mickey see you smoking. the poor mouse don't need to inhale second hand smoke.

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