
Is it illegal for a 14 yr old to go out with a 18 yr old?

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Me and my friend really like each other. There's just one problem..he's 18, im 14 turning 15 in 5 months. We've already kissed. He respects me. He tells me he'd never do anything i didn't want him to do. I believe and trust him. I like him so much. But im scared about what people will think if we go out, and if anything could happen to him. I respect my parents.I haven't told them yet but I want them to trust me. But i also want them to trust him. What should i do




  1. Yes..If your 15 you can be with some one whos up to 17 and once you're 16 you can be with someone whos 18 and yadda yadda yadda

  2. no its not illegal in my area but its illeagal to have s*x.

  3. No, it is not illegal for a 14 year old to go out with an 18 year old. It IS however illegal for an 18 year old to go out with a 14 year old. Also that 18 year old does not respect you he said that to get what he wants.

    Ditch him and tell your folks before you have life long problems.

  4. Not illegal to go out, illegal to have s*x though.

    answer mine?;...

  5. its never illigel to date anyone.

    or kiss anyone for that matter.

    but if you guys have s*x, and the coppers find out then your boyfriend can be charged with rape - even if you agreed.

    so sure date him! just dont have s*x with him. and if you do, keep it on the DL cause he could get in ALOT of trouble!


  6. if your love is that strong; then you want the best to happen in your relationship. and if your love is really strong then you should be able to wait a couple more years until you tell your parents...

    once your almost eighteen it sounds better than when your fifteen to be going out with someone that is 4 years older than you...

    i know of a lot of couples who are 3,4, and sometimes even 5 years apart:)

  7. no its not illegal, people do that all the time. yes, it would be illegal if you all would have s*x and they found out and proved it. so just dont do anything you'll regret. =]

  8. You can go out,

    but it's illegal to have s*x.

  9. You guys can date but if you have s*x he could get arrested for rape.

  10. Not illegal,but ask your parents can you have someone over for dinner and tell them the news.There has to be a GOOD understanding between all of you,so no one will get hurt or possibly go to jail for bad things that could happen during this kind of relationship,since you are much younger and he is an adult.

  11. Not illegal to date but it is to have s*x. Also, think about it, you aren't any better than the 18 year olds his age, many times guys go for younger girls because they can be more easily controlled. IT IS TRUE. Also, think about this, why can't he get any girls his age? There is something wrong. I wish I would have known what I know now when I was 17 with a 22 year old.  

  12. not to date, but it is to have s*x.

    dont do it though, there is no good to come of it. and if you are truely meant to can happen with both are leagle ages.

    for right now, this situation just equals trouble

    if he is your friend, then you could really get him into trouble. your parents could find out and turn him in, or someone else could find out an turn him in. it doesnt even matter to the law if you are the one that started it all, hey see him as the  one responsible for commiting the crime. then he would be listed as a s*x offender for the rest of his life and could even do jail time.

  13. as long as you don't have s*x, you two are good.

    truthfully, you're a little young... but as long as you have your parents' approval, it shouldn't matter then. tell them that you won't do anything stupid :p

  14. It is not illegal for you to go out or kiss or anything as long as you consent however depending upon where you live it could be illegal for you to have s*x. My advice would be if you really like each other that much then go ahead and date each other, theres nothing wrong with that, and there is no reason that you need to have s*x now anyways, you could wait until you are of legal consent age.

  15. Hmmm,

    You sound pretty mature, even though you are only 14 ;O)

    It really depends on the state that you live in, whether or not it is illegal to date someone of age, if you are not.  I definately know that it is illegal to have s*x with him though. However, dating probably isnt breaking any laws. Try talking it over with your parents. If you hide it from them, they will lose trust in you when they find out. Its best to let them know that you have feelings for each other before things get too deep. Besides, maybe they'll be cool with ya;ll dating as long as you are abstinent until you are of age. (which I believe is 16 in most states).

    Good luck!

  16. hang out or go out with a 18 or 50 years old is not illegal but having s*x with a person over 17 is illegal and could cause the 18 or over person in trobel by LAW.

  17. It depends on the state you live in.   It's LEGAL in every state to DATE, but if you plan on having s*x with him, that will matter the state you are in.   Some states say that if you are 14 or 15, you can consent as long as he is under 20 or some such thing.   Other states are not giving at all and if he's 18 and you're under, it's illegal.

    In terms of the thing with your parents.   I'm guessing they won't be okay with it, but if you want them to trust you, you have to ask them what they think and if they say no, live with it.   Maybe they'll let you see him at your house with them there.

  18. I think you mean Statutory rape

    Statutory rape

         In accordance with the FBI definition, statutory rape is characterized as non-forcible sexual intercourse with a person who is younger than the statutory age of consent. The actual ages for these laws vary greatly from state-to-state, as do the punishments for offenders.

         Many states do not use the actual term "statutory rape," simply calling it rape or unlawful sexual penetration among a variety of other titles. These laws rarely apply only to intercourse, but rather to any type of sexual contact.

         Dating someone without sexual contact cannot be considered a form of statutory rape, and is almost never illegal. All states have an "age of consent," or an age at which a person can legally consent to sexual activity and can then no longer be a victim of statutory rape.

    Thier is your answer the law states no but it is still wrong

  19. It's ok to go out, but that usually leads to other things..

    it's illegal to be intimate with one another until you're 18

    if he really loves and respects you, as you say he does, then he can wait another 3 years. =]

  20. as long as you dont have s*x, its legal..oh yeah he cant like touch you sexually either..thats illegal..

    but dating him isnt [:

    i would date him for a while longer than tell your parents about everything

    **good luck!

  21. they say that now

    but yes it is illegal its called sagitory rape even if u agree ur under the age of 16 and he's 18 and can go to jail

  22. It is not illegal to date each other. But because you are a minor and he is an adult in the eyes of the law, it is illegal for you to have s*x.

  23. its only illegal to have s*x not to got out and I think you should talk to your parents about this.

  24. Where do you live?

    Talk to your parents and see what they say

    Honestly though what do you guys have in common?

  25. There is no problem going out, but it is illegal to have a sexual relationship.  Eben touching could get the 18 year old in major trouble.  I don't think you should worry about what people think.  My boyfriend and I started dating when we were 14, and now we're 19.  Everyone said we would break up, but you know your relationship better than anyone else.I think you should tell your parents you have feelings for this guy, have him over for dinner for a while, let them get to know him WELL, then I'm sure everything will go well.  Please, just be mature about this.

  26. i dated a guy who was 25 and im 17, it wasnt bad, but if you have s*x and your parents dont like him, they can get him arrested.  and if they are the type of person, they can lie and say he had s*x even if you havent and then you are screwed, but other than that, nothing will happen, people dont pay attention, i mean, they will only know if you have s*x together if you tell people.  dating is fine, but if you have s*x, keep it a secret, im seventeen and me and my 18 year old fiancee have s*x, everyone knows but no one says anything, even though its illegal.  as far as im concerned, we can do what we want. your guy sounds sweet, i would keep him, dont let him go because your parents got pregnant at different times, ok?

  27. Something is wrong with an 18 year old LEGAL ADULT that is interested in a 14 year old CHILD.

  28. 16 is the age of consent, and 18 is the age of legality. Until you reach the age of consent I would say yes, if your parents got mad they could press charges on him and say it's not consensual.

  29. Its not illegal to date but if you have s*x anytime before you are 18 then it is and he can go to jail if your parents file charges against him.

    I'm sorry to offend if I do,but what does a 18 yr old guy want with a 14 yr old girl? He should be dating someone closer to his age or at least wait until you are older to start dating you.

  30. Tell your Parents and see what they say. If you respect your parents then listen to them. They do know best. It is only illegal if you have s*x with him.The he can do time. What makes you think he wants to date you? If he does then tell him to go to your dad and ask his permission.

  31. its not illegal but are you sure you trust him, cuz he could just talk the talk but not mean it and then pressure you to have s*x or something. make sure you really really trust him

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