
Is it illegal for a Muslim to have more than one wife in the US?

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Is it illegal for a Muslim to have more than one wife in the US?




  1. Yes

  2. Yes.  Polygamy by anyone is illegal in the US.  That is the reason why these polygamy cults are getting so much attention.

  3. yes, the law is the law & that's why some states recgnise g*y marriages and others don't. In this case, the US law doesn't recognise/ allow polygamy & thus it is illegal/ null to have more than one wife in the US.

  4. Yes it is illegal, it's also illegal for mormons. It's odd how some religious things get to bypass laws and others don't.

  5. Most of the Muslims I know only have one wife anyway. But to answer your question... Polygamy is illegal in all states. Somehow, though, the Mormons get past this one.

    If I figure out why, do I get a cookie?  

  6. ARE YOU STUPID, NO Why would let a guy do that to you, haha Funny  

  7. Yes and no.  Legally, he cannot.  However, if he is only legally married to one, but he has other "wives" then no one can say a thing.  

  8. i would think so

    because they moved with us

    so they need to follow our rules

  9. Yes it is against the law.

  10. He can't have more than one legal wife, but he can have one legal wife and live with as many other "unofficial" wives as Sharia law will allow...

  11. Yes, it is.  It is called bigomy and is punishable by law.  This is the U. S. of A. and one is entitled to one and only one spouse at a time.

  12. It is illegal for anyone to have more then 1 wife in the US!

  13. I hope not.  I think you should have 1 wife for everyday of the week.

  14. Firstly i am a muslim.

    Actually men can have 4 wifes ...

    More than 4 is wrong.

    Prophet mohamed peace be upon him had 7 wifes thats becuase he was a prophet.

    prophets can have more than 4 wifes but men can have 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 ...

    as they like..

    I am going to answer your question

    it is okay for a muslim to have mor ethan 1 wife in the U.S.A

  15. Yes, Polygamy is illegal in the United States and all 50 states. Under law, immigrants or refugees who practice polygamy are inadmissible for admission to the United States, according to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.

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