The company I work with has a set sales goal everyday. At the end of the day, we check if we are close to the goal or not. If we aren't close to it, the district and store manager doesn't worry about it. But if we are $100 away from the goal and we don't make it, our district manager yells at us... literally. Our district manager wants us to buy things just to make goal. My coworkers and I don't get paid very well and we don't want to drop $50+ to make goal. Yet we don't want to get screamed at. My coworker's friend said it was illegal for the company to tell us to buy things to make goal. Our company store is located in Massachusetts. Is it illegal?
Please give me as much information, with links to websites, etc. I want to fight this because it is stupid for us to buy items we don't need just to meet goal, and getting screamed at by the district manager if we don't meet it by $100 or something.